Goa Examination Results
Goa Board Exam 12th Results 2011
Goa Examination Results
Goa Board Exam 12th Results 2011
Goa 12th Exam Results 2011 will be declared in the month of May, 2011
Goa 12th Results 2011 will be Available on the following websites, when declared.
http://goaresults.nic.in/, http://gbshse.gov.in/
Goa Examination Results
Goa Board Exam 12th Results 2011
Goa Examination Results
Goa Board Exam 12th Results 2011
Goa Examination Results
Goa Board Exam 12th Results 2011
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Saturday, April 30, 2011
Nagaland Examination Results Nagaland Board of School Education
Nagaland Examination Results
Nagaland Board of School Education
Nagaland Examination Results
Nagaland Board of School Education
HSSLC 2011, HSSLC 2011(old course) and HSLC 2011 examination results to be declared on 30th April 2011
Nagaland HSSLC 2011, HSSLC 2011(old course) and HSLC 2011 Examination Results will be Available on the following websites, when declared.
http://www.nbsenagaland.com/, http://www.nbsenagaland.com/results.htm
Nagaland Examination Results 2011 Nagaland Board of School Education
Nagaland Examination Results 2011 Nagaland Board of School Education
Nagaland Examination Results 2011 Nagaland Board of School Education
Nagaland Examination Results 2011 Nagaland Board of School Education
Nagaland Board of School Education
Nagaland Examination Results
Nagaland Board of School Education
HSSLC 2011, HSSLC 2011(old course) and HSLC 2011 examination results to be declared on 30th April 2011
Nagaland HSSLC 2011, HSSLC 2011(old course) and HSLC 2011 Examination Results will be Available on the following websites, when declared.
http://www.nbsenagaland.com/, http://www.nbsenagaland.com/results.htm
Nagaland Examination Results 2011 Nagaland Board of School Education
Nagaland Examination Results 2011 Nagaland Board of School Education
Nagaland Examination Results 2011 Nagaland Board of School Education
Nagaland Examination Results 2011 Nagaland Board of School Education
Assam Examination Results 2011
Assam Examination Results
Assam 12th Result 2011
Assam Examination Results 2011
Assam Higher Secondary Education Council - AHSEC
Assam Board 12th Result 2011,AHSEC Class 12 Results
Assam 12th Results will be declared in the month of May 2011.
Assam Board 12th Results 2011 will be Available on the following websites, when declared.
Assam Examination Results 2011
Assam Examination Results 2011
Assam Examination Results 2011
Assam Examination Results 2011
Assam 12th Result 2011
Assam Examination Results 2011
Assam Higher Secondary Education Council - AHSEC
Assam Board 12th Result 2011,AHSEC Class 12 Results
Assam 12th Results will be declared in the month of May 2011.
Assam Board 12th Results 2011 will be Available on the following websites, when declared.
Assam Examination Results 2011
Assam Examination Results 2011
Assam Examination Results 2011
Assam Examination Results 2011
Andhra Pradesh SSC Exam Results 2011
Andhra Pradesh Examination Results
SSC Exam Results 2011
Board of Secondary Education Andhra Pradesh
Andhra Pradesh SSC Exam Results 2011
Andhra Pradesh Board SSC Exam Results will be declared in the month of May 2011.
The results will be announced on the official website : http://bseap.org/
Click below links for more details :
Andhra Pradesh SSC Exam Results 2011
Andhra Pradesh SSC Exam Results 2011
Andhra Pradesh SSC Exam Results 2011
Andhra Pradesh SSC Exam Results 2011
SSC Exam Results 2011
Board of Secondary Education Andhra Pradesh
Andhra Pradesh SSC Exam Results 2011
Andhra Pradesh Board SSC Exam Results will be declared in the month of May 2011.
The results will be announced on the official website : http://bseap.org/
Click below links for more details :
Andhra Pradesh SSC Exam Results 2011
Andhra Pradesh SSC Exam Results 2011
Andhra Pradesh SSC Exam Results 2011
Andhra Pradesh SSC Exam Results 2011
Punjab National Bank (PNB) recruitment 2011, Apply Online
Punjab National Bank (PNB) recruitment 2011, Apply Online
Punjab National Bank, the third largest bank in India has invited applications for recruitment of Clerks for its branches across India. The PNB bank is ranked 248th largest bank in the World by the Bankers Almanac, London
The Online registration begins from April 11, 2011. Candidates are requested to only apply from the official website.
Check this link https://www.pnbindia.in/En/ui/Recruitment.aspx for more details.
The last date for registration is May 5, 2011. The written test will be conducted on May 19th 2011.
The details of the vacancies are as under.
No. of Vacancies: 6428 posts (in various states)
Pay Scale: Rs.7200-14500/-
Age: 18-28 years
The State-Wise Number of posts avaialable are as below.
Andhra Pradesh – 44
Bihar – 389
Chhattisgarh – 91
Gujarat – 30
Haryana – 105
Himachal Pradesh – 228
Jammu & Kashmir-68
Madhya Pradesh-173
Tamil Nadu33
Uttar Pradesh-912
West Bengal- 61
The Punjab National bank offers Internet banking services for online booking of Indian Railways tickets, purchase of airline tickets, payment of utilities bills, etc.
PNB has the largest ATM network amongst Nationalized Banks. The bank has more than 3700 ATMs for providing banking facility to all customers.
PNB is one of the top 4 banks of India, along with ICICI, SBI and HDFC Bank, which are its competitors.
Apply Online, Punjab National Bank (PNB) recruitment 2011
Apply Online, Punjab National Bank (PNB) recruitment 2011
Apply Online, Punjab National Bank (PNB) recruitment 2011
Apply Online, Punjab National Bank (PNB) recruitment 2011
Punjab National Bank, the third largest bank in India has invited applications for recruitment of Clerks for its branches across India. The PNB bank is ranked 248th largest bank in the World by the Bankers Almanac, London
The Online registration begins from April 11, 2011. Candidates are requested to only apply from the official website.
Check this link https://www.pnbindia.in/En/ui/Recruitment.aspx for more details.
The last date for registration is May 5, 2011. The written test will be conducted on May 19th 2011.
The details of the vacancies are as under.
No. of Vacancies: 6428 posts (in various states)
Pay Scale: Rs.7200-14500/-
Age: 18-28 years
The State-Wise Number of posts avaialable are as below.
Andhra Pradesh – 44
Bihar – 389
Chhattisgarh – 91
Gujarat – 30
Haryana – 105
Himachal Pradesh – 228
Jammu & Kashmir-68
Madhya Pradesh-173
Tamil Nadu33
Uttar Pradesh-912
West Bengal- 61
The Punjab National bank offers Internet banking services for online booking of Indian Railways tickets, purchase of airline tickets, payment of utilities bills, etc.
PNB has the largest ATM network amongst Nationalized Banks. The bank has more than 3700 ATMs for providing banking facility to all customers.
PNB is one of the top 4 banks of India, along with ICICI, SBI and HDFC Bank, which are its competitors.
Apply Online, Punjab National Bank (PNB) recruitment 2011
Apply Online, Punjab National Bank (PNB) recruitment 2011
Apply Online, Punjab National Bank (PNB) recruitment 2011
Apply Online, Punjab National Bank (PNB) recruitment 2011
MBA-CET 2011 results Maharastra Announced – DTE
MBA-CET 2011 results Maharastra Announced – DTE
The Maharashtra Directorate of Technical Education (DTE) has declared the MBA CET 2011 exam results on Monday, April 11, 2011 at 5 pm at its website. CLICK HERE to check the results.
Students who have appeared the CET 2011 exams can visit the above link to check the results. The (DTE) Maharashtra, conducts the MBA-CET 2011 results for admissions in higher education. The CET 2011 exams were held on 27th Feb, 2011.
Insert the application id and roll number in the fields to check your results. CLICK HERE to check the results.
The important dates are as below:
Online Registration for GD and Interviews will be start from 19th April 2011 to 30th April 2011.
Group Discussion and Interview at selected centers will be conducted from 10-31 May 2011.
Provisional merit lists will be available on 6th June 2011.
and final merit lists will be available on 23rd May 2011. Results
We wish all the students all the best.
MBA-CET 2011 results Maharastra Announced – DTE
MBA-CET 2011 results Maharastra Announced – DTE
MBA-CET 2011 results Maharastra Announced – DTE
MBA-CET 2011 results Maharastra Announced – DTE
MBA-CET 2011 results Maharastra Announced – DTE
The Maharashtra Directorate of Technical Education (DTE) has declared the MBA CET 2011 exam results on Monday, April 11, 2011 at 5 pm at its website. CLICK HERE to check the results.
Students who have appeared the CET 2011 exams can visit the above link to check the results. The (DTE) Maharashtra, conducts the MBA-CET 2011 results for admissions in higher education. The CET 2011 exams were held on 27th Feb, 2011.
Insert the application id and roll number in the fields to check your results. CLICK HERE to check the results.
The important dates are as below:
Online Registration for GD and Interviews will be start from 19th April 2011 to 30th April 2011.
Group Discussion and Interview at selected centers will be conducted from 10-31 May 2011.
Provisional merit lists will be available on 6th June 2011.
and final merit lists will be available on 23rd May 2011. Results
We wish all the students all the best.
MBA-CET 2011 results Maharastra Announced – DTE
MBA-CET 2011 results Maharastra Announced – DTE
MBA-CET 2011 results Maharastra Announced – DTE
MBA-CET 2011 results Maharastra Announced – DTE
MBA-CET 2011 results Maharastra Announced – DTE
Andhra University UG/PG results 2011 announced
Andhra University UG/PG results 2011 announced
The Andhra University, Vishakapatnam has announced the results of the degree exams on April 18, 2011. The examsn were conducted in the month of MArch 2011. The links to check the results are given below.
The results of 3rd year BA, Bcom and BSc are announced
The Andhra University is affiliated to 575 colleges spread across five districts in the state .
The enrollment in UG courses is more than 76,000 and in PG Courses its more than 20,000 students. The University has more than 860 teachers and 2500 non-teaching and technical staff.
The Andhra University was established in 1925. The university has four constituent colleges Arts, Science, Commerce and Engineering.
Click on the below links to get the Results.
Andhra University UG/PG results 2011 announced
Andhra University UG/PG results 2011 announced
Andhra University UG/PG results 2011 announced
Andhra University UG/PG results 2011 announced
MP Boards 12th result at mpbse.nic.in
MP Board is yet to declare result for 12th class for the year 2011, which is expected to be announced very soon on MP board’s website i.e. www.mpbse.nic.in.
There is no office announcement has been made yet, but it will be available soon as per sources.
Pupils are advised to follow link http://mpbse.nic.in/results.htm to check their results. The result will be available at right site of the home page. You can click for result on HSC 12th Board Examination Result – 2011
To get information regarding result declaration date, student can contact to
MP Board of Secondary Education, Shivaji Nagar, Bhopal – 462011, Phone No:0755- 2551166-71
For latest updates, you may browse http://mpbse.nic.in/results.htm. You may access us for latest updates about result.
There is no office announcement has been made yet, but it will be available soon as per sources.
Pupils are advised to follow link http://mpbse.nic.in/results.htm to check their results. The result will be available at right site of the home page. You can click for result on HSC 12th Board Examination Result – 2011
To get information regarding result declaration date, student can contact to
MP Board of Secondary Education, Shivaji Nagar, Bhopal – 462011, Phone No:0755- 2551166-71
For latest updates, you may browse http://mpbse.nic.in/results.htm. You may access us for latest updates about result.
CGBSE CG board 12th results CGVYAPAM result
CGBSE CG board 12th results CGVYAPAM result
The Chhattisgarh board of secondary education (CGBSE) results of 12th can be checked at the official website http://www.cgbse.org/
You can check the 2009 results here http://www.cgbse.org/09resultcgb.htm
CGBSE Raipur is the board of school education of Chhattisgarh which organizes the annual exams upto senior secondary school examination to 12th class.
Students can check their results of the CGBSE Raipur at the official website of the CGBSE.
The official website has been designed in the Hindi language so that student can use the website easily and find useful information, this also causes problems to those who wants to see the website in English , so the above site link provided has been translated in to English.
CGBSE CG board 12th results CGVYAPAM result
CGBSE CG board 12th results CGVYAPAM result
CGBSE CG board 12th results CGVYAPAM result
CGBSE CG board 12th results CGVYAPAM result
CGBSE CG board 12th results CGVYAPAM result
The Chhattisgarh board of secondary education (CGBSE) results of 12th can be checked at the official website http://www.cgbse.org/
You can check the 2009 results here http://www.cgbse.org/09resultcgb.htm
CGBSE Raipur is the board of school education of Chhattisgarh which organizes the annual exams upto senior secondary school examination to 12th class.
Students can check their results of the CGBSE Raipur at the official website of the CGBSE.
The official website has been designed in the Hindi language so that student can use the website easily and find useful information, this also causes problems to those who wants to see the website in English , so the above site link provided has been translated in to English.
CGBSE CG board 12th results CGVYAPAM result
CGBSE CG board 12th results CGVYAPAM result
CGBSE CG board 12th results CGVYAPAM result
CGBSE CG board 12th results CGVYAPAM result
CGBSE CG board 12th results CGVYAPAM result
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Lucknow University has published the Results 2011
Lucknow University has published the Result of Back Paper / Improvement Examination 2011. Lucknow University UG Annual Examination (Back Paper / Improvement) B.A. 2nd Year Exam Results announced on 18th April, 2011. B.A. Second Year (Back Paper/Improvement) Result made available in the University’s official website: http://www.lkouniv.ac.in/.
The idea of starting a University at Lucknow was first mooted by Raja Sir Mohammad Ali Mohammad Khan, Khan Bahadur, K.C.I.E. of Mahmudabad, who contributed an article to the columns of "The Pioneer'' urging the foundation of a University at Lucknow. A little later Sir Harcourt Butler, K.C.S.I., K.C.I.E, was appointed Lieutenant-Governor of the United Provinces, and his well-known interest in all matters under his jurisdiction, specially in matters educational, gave fresh life and vigour to the proposal.
Lucknow University Under Graduate B.A. Second Year (Back Paper/Improvement) Result 2010-11
The idea of starting a University at Lucknow was first mooted by Raja Sir Mohammad Ali Mohammad Khan, Khan Bahadur, K.C.I.E. of Mahmudabad, who contributed an article to the columns of "The Pioneer'' urging the foundation of a University at Lucknow. A little later Sir Harcourt Butler, K.C.S.I., K.C.I.E, was appointed Lieutenant-Governor of the United Provinces, and his well-known interest in all matters under his jurisdiction, specially in matters educational, gave fresh life and vigour to the proposal.
Lucknow University Under Graduate B.A. Second Year (Back Paper/Improvement) Result 2010-11
Mizoram Board of School Education (MBSE) Results 2011
Mizoram Board of School Education (MBSE) Results 2011
Mizoram Board of School Education (MBSE) has published HSSLC Exam Results 2011. MBSE HSLC (Class X) and HSSLC (Class XII) Exam Results 2011 announced on 21st April, 2011. List of top ten candidates is also available for Higher Secondary School Leaving Certificate (HSSLC) Examination Results. For knowing more about the results one can visit the University’s official website: http://mbse.edu.in/.
The Controller of Examinations is the head of the Examination Branch of Mizoram Board of School Education. It has responsibility for conducting exams and administration of exams. The Controller of Examinations is assisted by 3 officers of the branch.
MBSE HSLC / HSSLC Examination Results 2011
Mizoram Board of School Education (MBSE) has published HSSLC Exam Results 2011. MBSE HSLC (Class X) and HSSLC (Class XII) Exam Results 2011 announced on 21st April, 2011. List of top ten candidates is also available for Higher Secondary School Leaving Certificate (HSSLC) Examination Results. For knowing more about the results one can visit the University’s official website: http://mbse.edu.in/.
The Controller of Examinations is the head of the Examination Branch of Mizoram Board of School Education. It has responsibility for conducting exams and administration of exams. The Controller of Examinations is assisted by 3 officers of the branch.
MBSE HSLC / HSSLC Examination Results 2011
Mumbai University Results 2011
Mumbai University Results 2011
Mumbai University has announced Results for exams Under Technology & Management Faculty. Mumbai University Results are available for M.M.M. (Second Year) (Sem-I), M.M.S. (Sem-III) (Rev.), F.E, B.E. (Sem.-VII) (Rev.) and B.E. (Sem.-VII) (Old.). For knowing more about the results one can visit the University’s official website: http://www.mu.ac.in/
University of Mumbai was established in the year 1857. It is one of the leading Universities in India and one of amongst 1st 3 Universities in India.
The University is a state university and situated in Maharashtra. It has been given a 5-star ranking by NAAC. In the year 2010, it had a world ranking of 451 on one ranking list.
University Results 2011 visit at the following
Mumbai University has announced Results for exams Under Technology & Management Faculty. Mumbai University Results are available for M.M.M. (Second Year) (Sem-I), M.M.S. (Sem-III) (Rev.), F.E, B.E. (Sem.-VII) (Rev.) and B.E. (Sem.-VII) (Old.). For knowing more about the results one can visit the University’s official website: http://www.mu.ac.in/
University of Mumbai was established in the year 1857. It is one of the leading Universities in India and one of amongst 1st 3 Universities in India.
The University is a state university and situated in Maharashtra. It has been given a 5-star ranking by NAAC. In the year 2010, it had a world ranking of 451 on one ranking list.
University Results 2011 visit at the following
Potti Sreeramulu Telugu University M.C.J. (Distance Education) Results
Potti Sriramulu Telugu University, Hyderabad has published M.C.J. (Distance Education) Examination Results 2011. Potti Sriramulu Telugu University MCJ Exam Result announced on 20th April, 2011. The examination was held in November 2010. For knowing more about the results one can visit the University’s official website: http://www.teluguuniversity.ac.in/.
Potti Sreeramulu Telugu University is one of the few language universities in the Country. It is located in the heart of Hyderabad, capital of Andhra Pradesh, INDIA.
Potti Sreeramulu Telugu University M.C.J. (Distance Education) Results, November
Potti Sreeramulu Telugu University is one of the few language universities in the Country. It is located in the heart of Hyderabad, capital of Andhra Pradesh, INDIA.
Potti Sreeramulu Telugu University M.C.J. (Distance Education) Results, November
Anna University Revaluation Results 2011 for B.E B.Tech Examination 2011
Anna University Revaluation Results 2011 for B.E. / B.Tech Examination 2011
Anna University of Technology, Chennai has published the Revaluation Results 2011 for B.E. / B.Tech Examination. Anna University BE/B.Tech Revaluation Results announced on 21st April, 2011. Anna University B.E. / B.Tech. Revaluation Examination was held in January 2011. For knowing more about the results one can visit the University’s official website: http://www.annatech.ac.in/.
Anna University of Technology, Chennai was come into existence on 1 February 2007 after partition of Anna University into 6 universities. The University grants affiliations to colleges and universities.
Anna University Revaluation Results 2011 for B.E. / B.Tech Examination 2011
Anna University of Technology, Chennai has published the Revaluation Results 2011 for B.E. / B.Tech Examination. Anna University BE/B.Tech Revaluation Results announced on 21st April, 2011. Anna University B.E. / B.Tech. Revaluation Examination was held in January 2011. For knowing more about the results one can visit the University’s official website: http://www.annatech.ac.in/.
Anna University of Technology, Chennai was come into existence on 1 February 2007 after partition of Anna University into 6 universities. The University grants affiliations to colleges and universities.
Anna University Revaluation Results 2011 for B.E. / B.Tech Examination 2011
Andhra Pradesh Power Generation Corporation Limited (APGENCO) Results
Andhra Pradesh Power Generation Corporation Limited (APGENCO) Results 2011
Andhra Pradesh Power Generation Corporation Limited (APGENCO) has published APGENCO Sub Engineers Results 2011. APGENCO Direct Recruitment of Sub Engineers Exams Results 2011 announced on the official website at http://www.apgenco.gov.in/.
Andhra Pradesh Power Generation Corporation Limited is one of the pivotal organizations of Andhra Pradesh, engaged in the business of Power generation. Apart from operation & Maintenance of the power plants it has undertaken the execution of the ongoing & new power projects scheduled under capacity addition programme and is taking up renovation & modernization works of the old power stations.
Andhra Pradesh Power Generation Corporation Limited (APGENCO) Results 2011
Andhra Pradesh Power Generation Corporation Limited (APGENCO) has published APGENCO Sub Engineers Results 2011. APGENCO Direct Recruitment of Sub Engineers Exams Results 2011 announced on the official website at http://www.apgenco.gov.in/.
Andhra Pradesh Power Generation Corporation Limited is one of the pivotal organizations of Andhra Pradesh, engaged in the business of Power generation. Apart from operation & Maintenance of the power plants it has undertaken the execution of the ongoing & new power projects scheduled under capacity addition programme and is taking up renovation & modernization works of the old power stations.
Andhra Pradesh Power Generation Corporation Limited (APGENCO) Results 2011
Acharya Nagarjuna University Degree Final Year Results April 2011
Acharya Nagarjuna University (ANU), Andhra Pradesh has published Final Year Degree Examination Results 2011. Acharya Nagarjuna University Degree Exam held in April 2011. Acharya Nagarjuna University Degree Results announced on 26th April, 2011 at 12:30 PM. For knowing more about the results one can visit the University’s official website : http://www.nagarjunauniversity.ac.in/.
Located in Guntur, Andhra Pradesh, Acharya Nagarjun University (ANU) is among the oldest universities of India. It has been accredited with 'B++' grade by National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC), Bangalore. The University conducts courses in numerous faculties, through its various constituent colleges / institutes spread across the state.
Acharya Nagarjuna University Degree Final Year Results April 2011
Located in Guntur, Andhra Pradesh, Acharya Nagarjun University (ANU) is among the oldest universities of India. It has been accredited with 'B++' grade by National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC), Bangalore. The University conducts courses in numerous faculties, through its various constituent colleges / institutes spread across the state.
Acharya Nagarjuna University Degree Final Year Results April 2011
Chhattisgarh Swami Vivekanand Technical University (CSVTU) Results
Chhattisgarh Swami Vivekanand Technical University (CSVTU) Results
Chhattisgarh Swami Vivekanand Technical University (CSVTU) has announced Bachelor of Engineering (BE) I Year (All Branches) Backlog Examination Results 2011. CSVTU BE 1st Year Exam Results announced on 25th April, 2011. For knowing more about the results one can visit the University’s official website: http://www.csvtu.ac.in/.
Chhattisgarh Swami Vivekananda Technical University (CSVTU) is located in Chhattisgarh. The university offers high level education in various disciplines like Engineering, Polytechnics, Pharmacy and Management through its various affiliated institutes and colleges
Chhattisgarh Swami Vivekanand Technical University (CSVTU) has announced Bachelor of Engineering (BE) I Year (All Branches) Backlog Examination Results 2011. CSVTU BE 1st Year Exam Results announced on 25th April, 2011. For knowing more about the results one can visit the University’s official website: http://www.csvtu.ac.in/.
Chhattisgarh Swami Vivekananda Technical University (CSVTU) is located in Chhattisgarh. The university offers high level education in various disciplines like Engineering, Polytechnics, Pharmacy and Management through its various affiliated institutes and colleges
Anna University of Technology Revaluation Results
Anna University of Technology Revaluation Results for MBA Trimester Regular and Arrear Examination Feb/Mar-2011 :
Anna University of Technology (ATU) Coimbatore has published the Revaluation Results for MBA Trimester Regular and Arrear Exam. Anna University of Technology MBA Trimester Regular and Arrear Examination held in February/March 2011. For knowing more about the results, visit the University’s official website: http://www.autcbe.ac.in/.
Anna University of Technology (AUT), Coimbatore, is one of the premier institutions which offers higher education in engineering, technology and allied sciences related to the current and projected needs of the society. The University serves as a best platform for the academic and research areas as well as encourage corporation between academics and industrial communities.
Anna University of Technology Revaluation Results for MBA Trimester Regular and Arrear Examination Feb/Mar-2011 :
Anna University of Technology (ATU) Coimbatore has published the Revaluation Results for MBA Trimester Regular and Arrear Exam. Anna University of Technology MBA Trimester Regular and Arrear Examination held in February/March 2011. For knowing more about the results, visit the University’s official website: http://www.autcbe.ac.in/.
Anna University of Technology (AUT), Coimbatore, is one of the premier institutions which offers higher education in engineering, technology and allied sciences related to the current and projected needs of the society. The University serves as a best platform for the academic and research areas as well as encourage corporation between academics and industrial communities.
Anna University of Technology Revaluation Results for MBA Trimester Regular and Arrear Examination Feb/Mar-2011 :
MDS University B.Com Hons Part II Exam Results 2011
MDS University B.Com Hons Part II Exam Results 2011
Maharshi Dayanand Saraswati University, Ajmer has published B.Com (Hons.) Part II Examination Results 2011. MDS University B.Com Hons Part II Exam Results announced on 26th April, 2011. For knowing more about the results, visit the University’s official website: http://www.mdsuajmer.ac.in/.
The University of Ajmer was established on 1 August 1987. It's name was changed from University of Ajmer to Maharshi Dayanand Saraswati University, Ajmer vide Rajasthan State Gazette dated 5 May, 1992. The University was registered in the year 1993 under section 12(B) of U.G.C.Act,1956.
Since the day of its inception the University was entrusted with a major responsibility of conducting the examination of nearly 1.5 lakh students of colleges spread over the six divisions of the state. In 1990 teaching began in History, Political science , zoology, botany and mathematics departments.
MDS University B.Com Hons Part II Exam Results 2011
Maharshi Dayanand Saraswati University, Ajmer has published B.Com (Hons.) Part II Examination Results 2011. MDS University B.Com Hons Part II Exam Results announced on 26th April, 2011. For knowing more about the results, visit the University’s official website: http://www.mdsuajmer.ac.in/.
The University of Ajmer was established on 1 August 1987. It's name was changed from University of Ajmer to Maharshi Dayanand Saraswati University, Ajmer vide Rajasthan State Gazette dated 5 May, 1992. The University was registered in the year 1993 under section 12(B) of U.G.C.Act,1956.
Since the day of its inception the University was entrusted with a major responsibility of conducting the examination of nearly 1.5 lakh students of colleges spread over the six divisions of the state. In 1990 teaching began in History, Political science , zoology, botany and mathematics departments.
MDS University B.Com Hons Part II Exam Results 2011
University of Rajasthan M Tech CT III Sem Results 2011
University of Rajasthan M Tech CT III Sem Results 2011
University of Rajasthan (UOR), also known as Rajasthan University has published the result of M.Tech CT III Semester and DCWA Part III Examination. Rajasthan University M.Tech CT III Semester and DCWA Part III Examination Results announced on 22nd April, 2011. For knowing more about the results one can visit the University’s official website: http://www.uniraj.ac.in/.
University of Rajasthan (UOR), also known as Rajasthan University, Jaipur, is one of the oldest universities of the state. The University has been accredited with ‘A+’ grade by National Accreditation and Assessment Council (NAAC), Bangalore, for its academic excellence.
University of Rajasthan M Tech CT III Sem Results 2011 :
University of Rajasthan (UOR), also known as Rajasthan University has published the result of M.Tech CT III Semester and DCWA Part III Examination. Rajasthan University M.Tech CT III Semester and DCWA Part III Examination Results announced on 22nd April, 2011. For knowing more about the results one can visit the University’s official website: http://www.uniraj.ac.in/.
University of Rajasthan (UOR), also known as Rajasthan University, Jaipur, is one of the oldest universities of the state. The University has been accredited with ‘A+’ grade by National Accreditation and Assessment Council (NAAC), Bangalore, for its academic excellence.
University of Rajasthan M Tech CT III Sem Results 2011 :
KIIT University Results of KIITEE 2011
KIIT University Results of KIITEE 2011 will be declared
The KIIT University, Bhubaneswar, Orissa is likely to announce the KIITEE 2011 Results on 15th May, 2011. The KIITEE Results 2011 will be also be made available in the website: http://www.kiitee.ac.in/.
On the basis of marks secured by the candidate in Entrance Examination, separate Merit lists will be prepared for B.Tech., B.Tech. (LE), MBBS/BDS, B.Sc.Nursing, BBA/BCA, BA LLB/BBA. LL.B/B.Sc. LL.B, Bachelor of Fashion Design, Bachelor of Film & Television Production, Biotechnology- Dual Degree (B.Tech / M.Tech), M.Tech, LL.M, MCA, M.Sc (Biotechnology/AppliedMicrobiology), Ph.D Programme Courses. A cut-off qualifying mark will be fixed by the University, at the time of declaration of Entrance Result. Result will be published through Net. The candidates can see their result by giving their application number/roll number. Rank Card indicating the Rank in Entrance Examination, shall be sent to the qualified candidates. Candidates can download the rank card from the website.
As per the availability of seats in different courses, cut-off Rank for counseling will be notified. Candidates, having rank above cut-off rank, shall be called for counseling.
KIIT University was set up in 1992 as an Industrial Training Institute with 2 faculties. It was formerly known as Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology (KIIT). In 1997, the School of Technology and the School of Computer Application was set up. In 2004, it become the youngest institute in India to get university status and so entered in the Limca Book of Records.
To know more about KIIT University Results of KIITEE 2011 will be declared on 15.05.2011 : Click Here
The KIIT University, Bhubaneswar, Orissa is likely to announce the KIITEE 2011 Results on 15th May, 2011. The KIITEE Results 2011 will be also be made available in the website: http://www.kiitee.ac.in/.
On the basis of marks secured by the candidate in Entrance Examination, separate Merit lists will be prepared for B.Tech., B.Tech. (LE), MBBS/BDS, B.Sc.Nursing, BBA/BCA, BA LLB/BBA. LL.B/B.Sc. LL.B, Bachelor of Fashion Design, Bachelor of Film & Television Production, Biotechnology- Dual Degree (B.Tech / M.Tech), M.Tech, LL.M, MCA, M.Sc (Biotechnology/AppliedMicrobiology), Ph.D Programme Courses. A cut-off qualifying mark will be fixed by the University, at the time of declaration of Entrance Result. Result will be published through Net. The candidates can see their result by giving their application number/roll number. Rank Card indicating the Rank in Entrance Examination, shall be sent to the qualified candidates. Candidates can download the rank card from the website.
As per the availability of seats in different courses, cut-off Rank for counseling will be notified. Candidates, having rank above cut-off rank, shall be called for counseling.
KIIT University was set up in 1992 as an Industrial Training Institute with 2 faculties. It was formerly known as Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology (KIIT). In 1997, the School of Technology and the School of Computer Application was set up. In 2004, it become the youngest institute in India to get university status and so entered in the Limca Book of Records.
To know more about KIIT University Results of KIITEE 2011 will be declared on 15.05.2011 : Click Here
Dr BR Ambedkar Open University Eligibility Test 2011 Results
Dr BR Ambedkar Open University Eligibility Test 2011 Results
Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Open University (BRAOU), formerly known as Andhra Pradesh Open University has published Eligibility Test 2011 Results. Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Open University Eligibility Test Exam Results announced on 26th April, 2011. For knowing more about the results, visit the University’s official website: http://www.braou.ac.in/.
Dr.B.R. Ambedkar Open University (BRAOU), formerly known as Andhra Pradesh Open University, is located in the city of Hyderabad. With a wide network of 206 study centers spread throughout the state of Andhra Pradesh, the University has for its motto "Education at Your Doorstep". The University, the first of its kind in the Country was brought into being through an act of Andhra Pradesh State Legislature in August,1982.
To get Dr BR Ambedkar Open University Eligibility Test 2011 Results
Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Open University (BRAOU), formerly known as Andhra Pradesh Open University has published Eligibility Test 2011 Results. Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Open University Eligibility Test Exam Results announced on 26th April, 2011. For knowing more about the results, visit the University’s official website: http://www.braou.ac.in/.
Dr.B.R. Ambedkar Open University (BRAOU), formerly known as Andhra Pradesh Open University, is located in the city of Hyderabad. With a wide network of 206 study centers spread throughout the state of Andhra Pradesh, the University has for its motto "Education at Your Doorstep". The University, the first of its kind in the Country was brought into being through an act of Andhra Pradesh State Legislature in August,1982.
To get Dr BR Ambedkar Open University Eligibility Test 2011 Results
Visvesvaraya Technological University (VTU) Results
Visvesvaraya Technological University (VTU) Results 2011
Visvesvaraya Technological University (VTU) has published B.E/B.Tech V, VI, VII, VIII Semester Examination Results for All Region for the year 2011. VTU Revaluation Results 2011 announce on 27th April, 2011. For knowing more about the results one can visit the University’s official website: http://www.vtu.ac.in/.
Visvesvaraya Technological University (VTU) is one of the largest and prestigious technological universities in India with 186 engineering colleges affiliated to it.
VTU Revaluation Results 2011 for BE and BTech Sem exam
Visvesvaraya Technological University (VTU) has published B.E/B.Tech V, VI, VII, VIII Semester Examination Results for All Region for the year 2011. VTU Revaluation Results 2011 announce on 27th April, 2011. For knowing more about the results one can visit the University’s official website: http://www.vtu.ac.in/.
Visvesvaraya Technological University (VTU) is one of the largest and prestigious technological universities in India with 186 engineering colleges affiliated to it.
VTU Revaluation Results 2011 for BE and BTech Sem exam
Krishna Kanta Handiquri State Open University (KKHSOU) Results
Krishna Kanta Handiquri State Open University (KKHSOU) Results 2011
Krishna Kanta Handiquri State Open University (KKHSOU), Assam has announced Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) I Semester Examination Results 2011. KKHSOU BBA 1st Semester Exam Result published on 27th April, 2011. To know more about the results, visit the university’s official website: http://www.kkhsou.org/.
Krishna Kanta Handique State Open University (KKHSOU) in Assam, is one of the leading open universities of the state. It was established by Assam Legislative Assembly with the passing of Act (XXXVII of 2005) on September 7, 2005. The University was founded with the aim to encourage Open University and distance education in the state. It offers programmes in wide range of disciplines at different degree levels.
Kanta Handiquri State Open University (KKHSOU) BBA I Sem Exam Result 2010 : Click Here
Krishna Kanta Handiquri State Open University (KKHSOU), Assam has announced Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) I Semester Examination Results 2011. KKHSOU BBA 1st Semester Exam Result published on 27th April, 2011. To know more about the results, visit the university’s official website: http://www.kkhsou.org/.
Krishna Kanta Handique State Open University (KKHSOU) in Assam, is one of the leading open universities of the state. It was established by Assam Legislative Assembly with the passing of Act (XXXVII of 2005) on September 7, 2005. The University was founded with the aim to encourage Open University and distance education in the state. It offers programmes in wide range of disciplines at different degree levels.
Kanta Handiquri State Open University (KKHSOU) BBA I Sem Exam Result 2010 : Click Here
Bharat Electronics Limited (BEL) invites applications for Recruitment 2011
Bharat Electronics Limited (BEL) invites applications for Recruitment 2011 of Engineers Post. Vacancies are in disciplines of Electronics (80 posts), Mechanical (30 posts), Computer Science (40 posts). There are total 150 posts for BEL Recruitment 2011 for Engineers. Written exam will be held on 26th June 2011. Bharat Electronics Limited Official website is http://www.bel-india.com/.
Qualification required is first class B.E / B.Tech / B.Sc Engineering Graduate in Electronics / Electronics and Communication / Electronics & Telecommunication / Communication / Telecommunication / Mechanical / Computer Science / Computer Science and Engineering. Age limit is 25 years as on 01/04/2011.
First class in AMIE / GIETE in above mentioned disciplines are also eligible to apply. SC/ST/PWD candidates with pass class in the above degree/ disciplines are eligible to apply.
Candidates who are appearing in the final semester/year of BE/B.Tech/B.Sc engineering are also eligible to apply.
Application fee is Rs. 500 (Rs.200 for SC/ST/PWD candidates). Fee should be submitted through Demand Draft of State Bank of India, payable at SBI, New Delhi, in favor of Bharat Electronics Limited.
Candidates can apply Online for BEL recruitment from 27th April, 2011to 10th May. 2011.
Complete printed BEL Online Application should be sent to “Post Box No: 4334, Kalkaji Head Post Office, New Delhi-110019″ before 16th May 2011.
For details regarding BEL Recruitment 2011 for Engineers Post visit at the following link: Click Here
For BEL Recruitment 2011 for Online Form visit at the follwoing link: Click Here
Qualification required is first class B.E / B.Tech / B.Sc Engineering Graduate in Electronics / Electronics and Communication / Electronics & Telecommunication / Communication / Telecommunication / Mechanical / Computer Science / Computer Science and Engineering. Age limit is 25 years as on 01/04/2011.
First class in AMIE / GIETE in above mentioned disciplines are also eligible to apply. SC/ST/PWD candidates with pass class in the above degree/ disciplines are eligible to apply.
Candidates who are appearing in the final semester/year of BE/B.Tech/B.Sc engineering are also eligible to apply.
Application fee is Rs. 500 (Rs.200 for SC/ST/PWD candidates). Fee should be submitted through Demand Draft of State Bank of India, payable at SBI, New Delhi, in favor of Bharat Electronics Limited.
Candidates can apply Online for BEL recruitment from 27th April, 2011to 10th May. 2011.
Complete printed BEL Online Application should be sent to “Post Box No: 4334, Kalkaji Head Post Office, New Delhi-110019″ before 16th May 2011.
For details regarding BEL Recruitment 2011 for Engineers Post visit at the following link: Click Here
For BEL Recruitment 2011 for Online Form visit at the follwoing link: Click Here
Tamil Nadu Open University (TNOU) BPP 2011 Results
Tamil Nadu Open University (TNOU) BPP 2011 Results
TamilNadu Open University (TNOU) has announced the result of BPP 2011 Exam. Tamilnadu Open University BPP 2011 Result published on 27th april, 2011. Candidates can check the results available in the University’s official website: http://www.tnou.ac.in/.
The Tamil Nadu Open University was established by an Act (No.27 of 2002) of the Legislative Assembly of the Government of Tamil Nadu to benefit those who have been deprived of and/or denied the access to higher education especially destitute, physically challenged, working men and women, economically weaker sections of the society, and those who discontinued education for various reasons, etc. In the main, it aims to reach the hitherto unreached. The University offers many Programmes in various disciplines.
Tamil Nadu Open University (TNOU) BPP 2011 Results
TamilNadu Open University (TNOU) has announced the result of BPP 2011 Exam. Tamilnadu Open University BPP 2011 Result published on 27th april, 2011. Candidates can check the results available in the University’s official website: http://www.tnou.ac.in/.
The Tamil Nadu Open University was established by an Act (No.27 of 2002) of the Legislative Assembly of the Government of Tamil Nadu to benefit those who have been deprived of and/or denied the access to higher education especially destitute, physically challenged, working men and women, economically weaker sections of the society, and those who discontinued education for various reasons, etc. In the main, it aims to reach the hitherto unreached. The University offers many Programmes in various disciplines.
Tamil Nadu Open University (TNOU) BPP 2011 Results
Bhavnagar University March / April Examination 2011 Results
Bhavnagar University March / April Examination 2011 Results
Bhavnagar University has published B.Com III Year Examination (M.J. comm colg) (External) March, 2011, I Yr. Commerce Exam (M J Commerce College) April 2011, I Yr. Commerce External Exam (Bhavnagar University) April 2011 and II Yr. Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) Exam (Sir P.P.I.S Bhavnagar) March 2011. To know more about the results, one can visit to the university official website: http://www.bhavuni.edu/.
Bhavnagar University, Gujarat is one of the excellent centres of higher education in the state. The University came into existence in 1978, with the aim to offer quality educational programmes. It offers programmes in various disciplines like Science, Arts, Commerce, Engineering, Medicine, Management, Rural Studies and Law etc, through its numerous affiliated colleges and institutes.
Bhavnagar University March / April Examination 2011 Results
Bhavnagar University has published B.Com III Year Examination (M.J. comm colg) (External) March, 2011, I Yr. Commerce Exam (M J Commerce College) April 2011, I Yr. Commerce External Exam (Bhavnagar University) April 2011 and II Yr. Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) Exam (Sir P.P.I.S Bhavnagar) March 2011. To know more about the results, one can visit to the university official website: http://www.bhavuni.edu/.
Bhavnagar University, Gujarat is one of the excellent centres of higher education in the state. The University came into existence in 1978, with the aim to offer quality educational programmes. It offers programmes in various disciplines like Science, Arts, Commerce, Engineering, Medicine, Management, Rural Studies and Law etc, through its numerous affiliated colleges and institutes.
Bhavnagar University March / April Examination 2011 Results
All India Management Association (AIMA) has issued MAT Admit Card 2011
All India Management Association (AIMA) has issued MAT Admit Card 2011. AIMA MAT (Management Aptitude Test) Admit Card issued on 27th April, 2011 on the official website at http://www.aima-ind.org/. Candidates can download the AIMA MAT Admit Card 2011 from the direct link given below.
All India Management Association (AIMA) MAT 2011 Exam is schedule to be held on 1st May, 2011 and 7th May, 2011. Paper-Based Test will be held on 1st May, 2011 and Computer Based exam will be held on 7th May, 2011.
To download Admit Card for Management Aptitude Test (MAT) 2011 visit at the following link : Click Here
All India Management Association (AIMA) MAT 2011 Exam is schedule to be held on 1st May, 2011 and 7th May, 2011. Paper-Based Test will be held on 1st May, 2011 and Computer Based exam will be held on 7th May, 2011.
To download Admit Card for Management Aptitude Test (MAT) 2011 visit at the following link : Click Here
Rani Durgavati Vishwavidyalaya (RDVV) Examination Results 2011
Rani Durgavati Vishwavidyalaya (RDVV) Examination Results 2011
Rani Durgavati Vishwavidyalaya (RDVV), Jabalpur has published B.Com, BA, MA, MBA , B.Sc, MBBS, MCA and MSc Examination Results 2011. To know more about the results, one can visit the University’s official website: http://www.rdunijbpin.org/.
Rani Durgavati Vishwavidyalaya, formerly known as Jabalpur University has been engaged continuously in disseminating knowledge to all. This University is situated on the banks of Narmada, the ancient-most river of our country and is also surrounded by thickly populated tribal belt, which has a rich and vivid culture and value system. In a way we have the best amalgam of various streams of Indian culture.
To get Rani Durgavati Vishwavidyalaya (RDVV) Examination Results 2011
Rani Durgavati Vishwavidyalaya (RDVV), Jabalpur has published B.Com, BA, MA, MBA , B.Sc, MBBS, MCA and MSc Examination Results 2011. To know more about the results, one can visit the University’s official website: http://www.rdunijbpin.org/.
Rani Durgavati Vishwavidyalaya, formerly known as Jabalpur University has been engaged continuously in disseminating knowledge to all. This University is situated on the banks of Narmada, the ancient-most river of our country and is also surrounded by thickly populated tribal belt, which has a rich and vivid culture and value system. In a way we have the best amalgam of various streams of Indian culture.
To get Rani Durgavati Vishwavidyalaya (RDVV) Examination Results 2011
Bank invites applications for Specialist Management Executive
Bank invites applications for Specialist Management Executive and Specialist Management Officer. Probation period is 1 Year.
1. Specialist Management Executive: 3 Posts in the Pay Scale Rs. 30600-900/4-34200-1000/2-36200. Age limit is 25 to 35 Years. Experience of 5 years is required.
2. Specialist Management Officer: 5 Posts in the pay scale Rs. 25700-800/5-29700-900/2-31500. Age limit is 25 to 30 years. Experience of 3 years is required.
Qualification required is Post graduate Degree/Diploma in Business Administration – Human Resource. MBA course should be of 2 years full time duration.
Application fee is Rs. 50 for SC/ST/PC and Rs. 400 for GEN/OBC.
Applications should be submitted by Registered Post/Speed Post by 30th May 2011.
Adress to send applications is “The General Manager, UCO BANK, Human Resource Management Department, Head Office (4th Floor), 3 & 4, DD Block, Sector 1, Salt Lake, Kolkata-700064”.
For other details regarding UCO Bank Recruitment 2011 visit at the following link: UCO Bank
1. Specialist Management Executive: 3 Posts in the Pay Scale Rs. 30600-900/4-34200-1000/2-36200. Age limit is 25 to 35 Years. Experience of 5 years is required.
2. Specialist Management Officer: 5 Posts in the pay scale Rs. 25700-800/5-29700-900/2-31500. Age limit is 25 to 30 years. Experience of 3 years is required.
Qualification required is Post graduate Degree/Diploma in Business Administration – Human Resource. MBA course should be of 2 years full time duration.
Application fee is Rs. 50 for SC/ST/PC and Rs. 400 for GEN/OBC.
Applications should be submitted by Registered Post/Speed Post by 30th May 2011.
Adress to send applications is “The General Manager, UCO BANK, Human Resource Management Department, Head Office (4th Floor), 3 & 4, DD Block, Sector 1, Salt Lake, Kolkata-700064”.
For other details regarding UCO Bank Recruitment 2011 visit at the following link: UCO Bank
Biju Patnaik University of Technology (BPUT) Examination Results 2011
Biju Patnaik University of Technology (BPUT) Examination Results 2011
Biju Patnaik University of Technology (BPUT), Orissa has B.Tech 7th Semester Results and B.Pharm 7th Semester Examination Results 2011. BPUT Result 2011 announced on 28th April, 2011. For more details about result, one can visit to university official website http://www.bput.ac.in/.
To get Biju Patnaik University of Technology (BPUT) Examination Results 2011 : Click Here
To get Biju Patnaik University of Technology (BPUT) Examination Results 2011
Biju Patnaik University of Technology (BPUT), Orissa has B.Tech 7th Semester Results and B.Pharm 7th Semester Examination Results 2011. BPUT Result 2011 announced on 28th April, 2011. For more details about result, one can visit to university official website http://www.bput.ac.in/.
To get Biju Patnaik University of Technology (BPUT) Examination Results 2011 : Click Here
To get Biju Patnaik University of Technology (BPUT) Examination Results 2011
Indian Army invites applications for recruitment 2011
Indian Army invites applications for recruitment 2011 as Havildar Education in Group X and Y in the Army Educational Corps. There are total 178 vacancies.
Educational qualification required is B.A., B.Ed. / B.Sc, B.Ed / BCA, B.Ed / M.A. / M.Sc. / MCA for Group X posts and B.A. / B.Sc / BCA without B.Ed for Group Y.
Candidates should have any of the two following subjects in degree exams:
1. B.Sc/BCA: Math / Chemistry/ Physics/ Botany/ Electronics/ Zoology/ Computer Science.
2. BA: Hindi Literature/English Literature / Psychology/ Urdu Literature/ History/ Geography/ Pol. Sci/ Eco / Math/ Sociology.
Selection will be made on the basis of performance in Physical Fitness Test, Written Test and Medical exams.
Written Examination will be of 3 hours duration. There will be 3 parts in the test.
Last date for receipt of application forms is 28th May 2011. Detailed advertisement will be available in the Employment Newspaper of 23- 29 April 2011.
Link for advertisement of Army Educational Corps recruitment 2011 will be available here shortly.
Indian Army invites applications for recruitment 2011
Educational qualification required is B.A., B.Ed. / B.Sc, B.Ed / BCA, B.Ed / M.A. / M.Sc. / MCA for Group X posts and B.A. / B.Sc / BCA without B.Ed for Group Y.
Candidates should have any of the two following subjects in degree exams:
1. B.Sc/BCA: Math / Chemistry/ Physics/ Botany/ Electronics/ Zoology/ Computer Science.
2. BA: Hindi Literature/English Literature / Psychology/ Urdu Literature/ History/ Geography/ Pol. Sci/ Eco / Math/ Sociology.
Selection will be made on the basis of performance in Physical Fitness Test, Written Test and Medical exams.
Written Examination will be of 3 hours duration. There will be 3 parts in the test.
Last date for receipt of application forms is 28th May 2011. Detailed advertisement will be available in the Employment Newspaper of 23- 29 April 2011.
Link for advertisement of Army Educational Corps recruitment 2011 will be available here shortly.
Indian Army invites applications for recruitment 2011
ICICI bank Q4 results 2011 for the year
ICICI bank Q4 results 2011 for the year ended March 31, 2011 have been issued by the bank today on 28th April 2011. ICICI Performance Review is available here. There is the increase in dividend to Rs. 14 per share.
There is an increase of 44% in standalone profit after tax to Rs. 1,452 crore for the fourth quarter ended from Rs. 1,006 crore for the fourth quarter ended March 31, 2010. Current and savings account deposit ratio is increased to 45.1% at from 41.7%. Provision coverage ratio is increased to 76.0% from 59.5%.
The Board of Directors of ICICI Bank approved the audited accounts of the Bank at its meeting held at Mumbai today.
There is the increase in Profit after tax to 44% with 1,452 crore.
At March 31, 2011, ICICI had 2,529 branches with 6,104 ATMs that made it the largest branch network among private sector banks of India.
To check ICICI Bank Q4 Results 2011 in detail visit at the following link of its official website. Summary Profit and Loss Statement and Balance Sheet is available: ICICI Bank Results
There is an increase of 44% in standalone profit after tax to Rs. 1,452 crore for the fourth quarter ended from Rs. 1,006 crore for the fourth quarter ended March 31, 2010. Current and savings account deposit ratio is increased to 45.1% at from 41.7%. Provision coverage ratio is increased to 76.0% from 59.5%.
The Board of Directors of ICICI Bank approved the audited accounts of the Bank at its meeting held at Mumbai today.
There is the increase in Profit after tax to 44% with 1,452 crore.
At March 31, 2011, ICICI had 2,529 branches with 6,104 ATMs that made it the largest branch network among private sector banks of India.
To check ICICI Bank Q4 Results 2011 in detail visit at the following link of its official website. Summary Profit and Loss Statement and Balance Sheet is available: ICICI Bank Results
PTET 2011 Application Form is available here online
PTET 2011 Application Form is available here online. PTET 2011 Form can be submitted up till 11th May 2011.
Before going to fill online applications, candidates should have scanned their passport size colored photo and signature. Scanned photo should be of 300 KB only.
Link for Re-Print Application Form is also available for those candidates who have applied for PTET 2011 through online registration and would not get their filled applications printout.
PTET 2011 JNVU Notification is available here for further details here. Candidates can check the list of Collection Centre withDistrict Code.
After applying online, applicants are required to take printout of their filled application and “Declaration By Applicant”. These printout with required documents should be submitted at collection centers on or before 11th May 2011.
For full details regarding PTET 2011 and PTET forms 2011 visit at the following link: PTET 2011 Online Forms
Before going to fill online applications, candidates should have scanned their passport size colored photo and signature. Scanned photo should be of 300 KB only.
Link for Re-Print Application Form is also available for those candidates who have applied for PTET 2011 through online registration and would not get their filled applications printout.
PTET 2011 JNVU Notification is available here for further details here. Candidates can check the list of Collection Centre withDistrict Code.
After applying online, applicants are required to take printout of their filled application and “Declaration By Applicant”. These printout with required documents should be submitted at collection centers on or before 11th May 2011.
For full details regarding PTET 2011 and PTET forms 2011 visit at the following link: PTET 2011 Online Forms
Vidyasagar University b.Ed Provisional Merit List
Vidyasagar University b.Ed Provisional Merit List
Viyasagar University, West Bengal has published B.Ed Provisional Merit List 2011. Vidyasagar University b.Ed Provisional Merit List announced on 28th April, 2011. The B.Ed Provisional Merit List 2011 of Viyasagar University made available online in the board’s official website : http://www.vidyasagar.ac.in/.
Vidyasagar University, named after one of the most illustrious sons of Bengal as well as one of the doyens of Indian Renaissance, Pandit Iswar Chandra Vidyasagar, has grown out of a long cultural and educational movement in West Bengal in general and in the undivided district of Midnapore in particular.
To get Vidyasagar University B.Ed Provisional Merit List 2011 : Click Here
Read more : Viyasagar University B.Ed Provisional Merit List 2011 | Indian Exam Results
Viyasagar University, West Bengal has published B.Ed Provisional Merit List 2011. Vidyasagar University b.Ed Provisional Merit List announced on 28th April, 2011. The B.Ed Provisional Merit List 2011 of Viyasagar University made available online in the board’s official website : http://www.vidyasagar.ac.in/.
Vidyasagar University, named after one of the most illustrious sons of Bengal as well as one of the doyens of Indian Renaissance, Pandit Iswar Chandra Vidyasagar, has grown out of a long cultural and educational movement in West Bengal in general and in the undivided district of Midnapore in particular.
To get Vidyasagar University B.Ed Provisional Merit List 2011 : Click Here
Read more : Viyasagar University B.Ed Provisional Merit List 2011 | Indian Exam Results
Registration For Kerala SSLC Results 2011
Registration For Kerala SSLC Results 2011 Available Here
Students can register for getting SSLC results 2011 Kerala here at it@school website. They will be able to get their SSLC results absolutely free in your mobile immediately after the declaration of the results.
Students can register yourself to get SSLC Kerala results at the link given below here with their Register Number and Mobile Number.
For a mobile number, only results of 2 register numbers are allowed.
IT@School is a project of Department of General Education, Kerala. It was setup in the year 2001, to nurture the IT education in schools and ICT enabled education in the state. IT@School is the nodal agency for implementing EDUSAT network.
The Project is now been implemented from V to XII Standards in Kerala. It is covering 8000 schools. Around 50 lakhs students and 2 lakhs teachers are now part of this project and they have benefited from ICT enabled education.
The Project works on Free Software platform. The Project is aimed at empowering all the school teachers in Kerala on ICT tools, making them IT champions. It is implementing ICT enabled learning system for all subjects.
Students can register for getting SSLC results 2011 Kerala here at it@school website. They will be able to get their SSLC results absolutely free in your mobile immediately after the declaration of the results.
Students can register yourself to get SSLC Kerala results at the link given below here with their Register Number and Mobile Number.
For a mobile number, only results of 2 register numbers are allowed.
IT@School is a project of Department of General Education, Kerala. It was setup in the year 2001, to nurture the IT education in schools and ICT enabled education in the state. IT@School is the nodal agency for implementing EDUSAT network.
The Project is now been implemented from V to XII Standards in Kerala. It is covering 8000 schools. Around 50 lakhs students and 2 lakhs teachers are now part of this project and they have benefited from ICT enabled education.
The Project works on Free Software platform. The Project is aimed at empowering all the school teachers in Kerala on ICT tools, making them IT champions. It is implementing ICT enabled learning system for all subjects.
Senior intermediate Results 2011
AP Senior intermediate Results 2011
Board of Intermediate Education of Andhra Pradesh (BIEAP) published Intermediate Second Year Public Examination Results April 2011. AP Inter 2nd Year Examination Results 2011 announced on 28th April, 2011 at 12:00 PM.
Results of Second Year Intermediate released at 12.00 p.m. on Thursday. The results available on websites and both marks and grades available to students.
Andhra Pradesh Intermediate Second Year Results 2011 made available in the following website :
APBIE Inter II Year Exam Results (General) March' 2011
APBIE Inter Year Exam Results (Vocational) March' 2011
Inter 2nd Year General 2011 Results WITH MARKS- Available Now
Inter 2nd Year Vocational 2011 Results WITH MARKS - Available Now
Read more : Inter 2nd Year Results 2011
Board of Intermediate Education of Andhra Pradesh (BIEAP) published Intermediate Second Year Public Examination Results April 2011. AP Inter 2nd Year Examination Results 2011 announced on 28th April, 2011 at 12:00 PM.
Results of Second Year Intermediate released at 12.00 p.m. on Thursday. The results available on websites and both marks and grades available to students.
Andhra Pradesh Intermediate Second Year Results 2011 made available in the following website :
APBIE Inter II Year Exam Results (General) March' 2011
APBIE Inter Year Exam Results (Vocational) March' 2011
Inter 2nd Year General 2011 Results WITH MARKS- Available Now
Inter 2nd Year Vocational 2011 Results WITH MARKS - Available Now
Read more : Inter 2nd Year Results 2011
Saturday, April 23, 2011
BTER Jodhpur Diploma Results 2010 - 2011
BTER Jodhpur Diploma Results 2010 - 2011 - www.techedu.rajasthan.gov.in : The Board of Technical Education Rajasthan (BTER) Jodhpur is conducted by the Government of Rajasthan for Technical Education in Rajasthan. BTER Jodhpur has regularly updates its website (www.techedu.rajasthan.gov.in) to declare the result for the exams held regularly. BTER Jodhpur has made the script especially for the candidates which can produce the result only enter by roll number. So candidates need only the roll number to know the Result. We made this page especially for the BTER Jodhpur Diploma Result 2010 - 2011. All the old & new results of BTER Jodhpur are available online at the main official website www.techedu.rajasthan.gov.in of the Board. Candidates can get the BTER Jodhpur Diploma Result 2010 - 2011 easily by visit link given below.
Remember it, if you are unable to get your result please visit on link given below regularly. Because, when BTER Jodhpur will be uploaded any other result in 2011. We will update the result immediately. Candidates can get the BTER Jodhpur Result 2010 - 2011 . You can visit also www.techedu.rajasthan.gov.in to get all the updates of the new and old exam results.
Remember it, if you are unable to get your result please visit on link given below regularly. Because, when BTER Jodhpur will be uploaded any other result in 2011. We will update the result immediately. Candidates can get the BTER Jodhpur Result 2010 - 2011 . You can visit also www.techedu.rajasthan.gov.in to get all the updates of the new and old exam results.
15/04/2011 | Engineering Diploma Result (5th semester) |
15/04/2011 | Engineering Diploma Result (3rd semester) |
29/07/2010 | Paramedical Diploma Result |
29/07/2010 | Non Engineering Diploma Result |
31/03/2010 | Engineering Diploma Result (7th semester) |
CUSAT Results
CUSAT Results
CUSAT Results - Cochin University of Science & Technology (CUSAT) has regularly updates its website www.cusat.ac.in to declare the result for the exams held regularly. CUSAT has made the script especially for the candidates which can produce the result only enter by roll number. So candidates need only the roll number to know the Result. We made this page especially for the CUSAT Result 2010 - 2011. All the old & new results of CUSAT are available online at the main official website (www.cusat.ac.in) of the University. Candidates can get the CUSAT Result 2010 - 2011 easily by visit link given below.
Remember it, if you are unable to get your result please visit on link given below regularly. Because, when CUSAT will be uploaded any other result in 2011. We will update the result immediately. Candidates can get the CUSAT Result 2010 - 2011 directly in your inbox by subscribe your e-mail id in a form given below. You can visit also (www.cusat.ac.in) to get all the updates of the new and old exam results.
Important website : CUSAT Result 2010 - 2011
CUSAT Results - Cochin University of Science & Technology (CUSAT) has regularly updates its website www.cusat.ac.in to declare the result for the exams held regularly. CUSAT has made the script especially for the candidates which can produce the result only enter by roll number. So candidates need only the roll number to know the Result. We made this page especially for the CUSAT Result 2010 - 2011. All the old & new results of CUSAT are available online at the main official website (www.cusat.ac.in) of the University. Candidates can get the CUSAT Result 2010 - 2011 easily by visit link given below.
Remember it, if you are unable to get your result please visit on link given below regularly. Because, when CUSAT will be uploaded any other result in 2011. We will update the result immediately. Candidates can get the CUSAT Result 2010 - 2011 directly in your inbox by subscribe your e-mail id in a form given below. You can visit also (www.cusat.ac.in) to get all the updates of the new and old exam results.
Important website : CUSAT Result 2010 - 2011
AP Inter Results 2011 - Andhra Pradesh (AP) will declared the results soon based on Intermediate 1st / 2nd year examination 2011. AP Intermediate examination is conducted every year. This Year, AP Intermediate 1st / 2nd year examination was held on 09.03.2011 to 24.03.2011 & more then 15 Lakhs students were appeared the AP Inter examination 2011. After the examination all the students (who had appeared the Intermediate examination 2011) were waiting the results. As per announcement, AP Intermediate Results 2011 will be published soon online at www.manabadi.co.in. Candidates, who had appeared the AP Intermediate examination 2011 will get the results easily by visit link given as follow.
Manabadi has regularly updates its website (www.manabadi.co.in and schools9.com and aarvy.com ) to declare the result for the exams held regularly. Manabadi has made the script especially for the candidates which can produce the result only enter by roll number. So candidates need only the roll number to know the Result. We made this page especially for the AP Intermediate Results 2011.
Remember it, AP Intermediate Results 2011 will published online only. So, if you are unable to get your result please visit on link given below regularly. Because, when Manabadi will be uploaded the AP Intermediate Results 2011. We will update the result immediately. Candidates can get the AP Intermediate Results 2011 directly in your inbox by subscribe your e-mail id in a form given below.
AP Inter Results 2011 - Andhra Pradesh (AP) will declared the results soon based on Intermediate 1st / 2nd year examination 2011. AP Intermediate examination is conducted every year. This Year, AP Intermediate 1st / 2nd year examination was held on 09.03.2011 to 24.03.2011 & more then 15 Lakhs students were appeared the AP Inter examination 2011. After the examination all the students (who had appeared the Intermediate examination 2011) were waiting the results. As per announcement, AP Intermediate Results 2011 will be published soon online at www.manabadi.co.in. Candidates, who had appeared the AP Intermediate examination 2011 will get the results easily by visit link given as follow.
Manabadi has regularly updates its website (www.manabadi.co.in and schools9.com and aarvy.com ) to declare the result for the exams held regularly. Manabadi has made the script especially for the candidates which can produce the result only enter by roll number. So candidates need only the roll number to know the Result. We made this page especially for the AP Intermediate Results 2011.
Remember it, AP Intermediate Results 2011 will published online only. So, if you are unable to get your result please visit on link given below regularly. Because, when Manabadi will be uploaded the AP Intermediate Results 2011. We will update the result immediately. Candidates can get the AP Intermediate Results 2011 directly in your inbox by subscribe your e-mail id in a form given below.
ISM Dhanbad Results 2010 - 2011
ISM Dhanbad Results 2010 - 2011
ISM Dhanbad Results 2010 - 2011 www.ismdhanbad.ac.in The Indian School of Mines (ISM) Dhanbad has regularly updates its website (www.ismdhanbad.ac.in) to declare the result for the exams held regularly. ISM Dhanbad has made the script especially for the candidates which can produce the result only enter by roll number. So candidates need only the roll number to know the Result. We made this page especially for the ISM Dhanbad Results 2010 - 2011. All the old & new results of ISM Dhanbad are available online at the main official website (www.ismdhanbad.ac.in) of the ISM Dhanbad. Candidates can get the ISM Dhanbad Results 2010 - 2011 easily by visit link given below.
Remember it, if you are unable to get your result please visit on link given below regularly. Because, when ISM Dhanbad will be uploaded any other result in 2011. We will update the result immediately. Candidates can get the ISM Dhanbad Results 2010 - 2011 directly in your inbox by subscribe your e-mail id in a form given below. You can visit also (www.ismdhanbad.ac.in) to get all the updates of the new and old exam results.
CLICK HERE Dhanbad Results 2010 - 2011
ISM Dhanbad Results 2010 - 2011
ISM Dhanbad Results 2010 - 2011 www.ismdhanbad.ac.in The Indian School of Mines (ISM) Dhanbad has regularly updates its website (www.ismdhanbad.ac.in) to declare the result for the exams held regularly. ISM Dhanbad has made the script especially for the candidates which can produce the result only enter by roll number. So candidates need only the roll number to know the Result. We made this page especially for the ISM Dhanbad Results 2010 - 2011. All the old & new results of ISM Dhanbad are available online at the main official website (www.ismdhanbad.ac.in) of the ISM Dhanbad. Candidates can get the ISM Dhanbad Results 2010 - 2011 easily by visit link given below.
Remember it, if you are unable to get your result please visit on link given below regularly. Because, when ISM Dhanbad will be uploaded any other result in 2011. We will update the result immediately. Candidates can get the ISM Dhanbad Results 2010 - 2011 directly in your inbox by subscribe your e-mail id in a form given below. You can visit also (www.ismdhanbad.ac.in) to get all the updates of the new and old exam results.
CLICK HERE Dhanbad Results 2010 - 2011
ISM Dhanbad Results 2010 - 2011
Jai Parkash University Chapra Results 2010 - 2011
Jai Parkash University (JPU) Chapra Results 2010 - 2011 -jpv.bih.nic.in : The Jai Parkash Vishwavidyalaya (JPV) Chapra formerly known as Jai Parkash University (JPU) Chapra has regularly updates its website (www.jpv.bih.nic.in) to declare the result for the exams held regularly. JPU Chapra has made the script especially for the candidates which can produce the result only enter by roll number. So candidates need only the roll number to know the Result. We made this page especially for the JPU Results 2010 - 2011. All the old & new results of JPU are available online at the main official website (www.jpv.bih.nic.in) of the University. Candidates can get the JPU Results 2010 - 2011 easily by visit link given below.
Remember it, if you are unable to get your result please visit on link given below regularly. Because, when JPU will be uploaded any other result in 2011. We will update the result immediately. Candidates can get the JPU Results 2010 - 2011 directly in your inbox by subscribe your e-mail id in a form given below. You can visit also (www.jpv.bih.nic.in) to get all the updates of the new and old exam results.
Important Link : http://jpv.bih.nic.in/University/News/exams.asp
Jai Parkash University (JPU) Chapra Results 2010 - 2011
Remember it, if you are unable to get your result please visit on link given below regularly. Because, when JPU will be uploaded any other result in 2011. We will update the result immediately. Candidates can get the JPU Results 2010 - 2011 directly in your inbox by subscribe your e-mail id in a form given below. You can visit also (www.jpv.bih.nic.in) to get all the updates of the new and old exam results.
Important Link : http://jpv.bih.nic.in/University/News/exams.asp
Jai Parkash University (JPU) Chapra Results 2010 - 2011
Kameshwar Singh Darbhanga Sanskrit University Result 2010 - 2011
Kameshwar Singh Darbhanga Sanskrit University Result 2010 - 2011 - check now - www.ksdsu.edu.in : The Kameshwar Singh Darbhanga Sanskrit University (KSDSU) has regularly updates its website (www.ksdsu.edu.in) to declare the result for the exams held regularly. Kameshwar Singh Darbhanga Sanskrit University has made the script especially for the candidates which can produce the result only enter by roll number. So candidates need only the roll number to know the Result. We made this page especially for the Kameshwar Singh Darbhanga Sanskrit University Result 2010 - 2011. All the old & new results of Kameshwar Singh Darbhanga Sanskrit University are available online at the main official website (www.ksdsu.edu.in) of the University. Candidates can get the Kameshwar Singh Darbhanga Sanskrit University Result 2010 - 2011 easily by visit link given below.
Remember it, if you are unable to get your result please visit on link given below regularly. Because, when Kameshwar Singh Darbhanga Sanskrit University will be uploaded any other result in 2011. We will update the result immediately. Candidates can get the Kameshwar Singh Darbhanga Sanskrit University Result 2010 - 2011 directly in your inbox by subscribe your e-mail id in a form given below. Visit also (www.ksdsu.edu.in) to get all the updates of the new and old exam results.
VISIT CLICK THIS SITE Kameshwar Singh Darbhanga Sankrit University Result 2010 - 2011
Remember it, if you are unable to get your result please visit on link given below regularly. Because, when Kameshwar Singh Darbhanga Sanskrit University will be uploaded any other result in 2011. We will update the result immediately. Candidates can get the Kameshwar Singh Darbhanga Sanskrit University Result 2010 - 2011 directly in your inbox by subscribe your e-mail id in a form given below. Visit also (www.ksdsu.edu.in) to get all the updates of the new and old exam results.
VISIT CLICK THIS SITE Kameshwar Singh Darbhanga Sankrit University Result 2010 - 2011
Sunday, April 17, 2011
BMW X1 Cheapest Car Launched in India

German luxury car maker BMW on Thursday introduced its cheapest model in India, a new sports utility vehicle, ‘X1′ priced at Rs 22 lakhs – Rs 29.9 lakhs (ex-showroom Delhi).
The new BMW X1 was launched in New Delhi in three variants: BMW X1 sDrive18i (petrol), BMW X1 sDrive20d (diesel) and BMW X1 sDrive20d Exclusive (diesel) and can now be ordered at BMW dealerships across India.
The company will assemble the X1 from its Chennai plant for which it has invested around Rs 180 crore.
The vehicle will be available in both petrol and diesel variants. While the petrol option, BMW X1 sDrive 18i, will be available for Rs 22 lakh (ex-showroom, all-India), the diesel variant will have two options, X1 sDrive 20d, priced at Rs 23.9 lakh and X1 sDrive 20d Exclusive priced at Rs 29.9 lakh (ex-showroom, all-India), respectively, the company said.
The diesel engine gives a power of 177 BHP and torque of 350 Nm from 1750 to 3000 rpm. The petrol engine gives a power of 150 BHP with a torque of 200 Nm at 3600 rpm.
BMW claims that the diesel variant takes 8.3 seconds to attain a speed of 100 kmph whereas the petrol variant takes 10.4 seconds. All variants have six speed automatic gearboxes.
The compact SUV will not only divert some traffic from its German counterparts but also manage to take on the fight to Toyota Fortuner , Nissan X-Trail , Hyundai Santa Fe and the Mitsubishi Outlander.
BMW X1 Cheapest Car Launched in India,Price Rs 22 Lacs
BlackBerry Sprint 8830 Mobile Phone

BlackBerry Sprint 8830 Mobile Phone
About BlackBerry Sprint 8830 Mobile Phone:
Sprint has made known that it will be the second provider to offer the BlackBerry 8830 World Edition in the US, which means subscribers to its network will be able to roam more than just North America with ease. Instead of the silver color adopted by Verizon, Sprint has opted to a more businesslike black color while sharing the same unlocked SIM card slot that enables connections to both CDMA and GSM networks. Sprint’s offering will share the same pricing structure as Verizon’s handset and other BlackBerries, retailing for $200 a pop with a 2-year contract and rebates.
Blackberry Sprint 8830 Features & Specifications:
* GPS enabled and preloaded with BlackBerry Maps application
* 64 MB of memory and expandable memory card slot using microSD
* Speakerphone and voice activated dialing
* Stereo Bluetooth® Wireless Technology
* Instant Access to Sprints exclusive NFL Mobile Live
* Next-generation media player with audio and video playback
* Category : CDMA Handsets, Blackberry-CDMA Handsets
* Brand : Blackberry
* Price Range : Rs. 5,999 to 24,500
Blackberry Sprint 8830 Accessories:
* Compact wall charger
* USB data cable
* Lithium ion battery
* Holster
As it is a hybrid, it has SIM card slot and can work in any GSM network on the 900/ 1800 MHz (Europe/Asia) bands. As the phone comes unlocked, you can just plug any SIM card, and not only one of Sprint’s roaming partners.Sprint just announced officially the BlackBerry 8830 World Edition Smartphone, which will be available next month online at sprint.com at the price of $200 after rebates. The 8830 is the CDMA/GSM hybrid version of the 8800 which is offered by both AT&T and T-Mobile. It is BlackBerry with full QWERTY keyboard, landscape QVGA display, microSD slot and media player but no camera. It is only 14mm thin and with glossy black surface, similar to the one of the Pearl. As it is a hybrid, it has SIM card slot and can work in any GSM network on the 900/1800 MHz (Europe/Asia) bands. As the phone comes unlocked, you can just plug any SIM card, and not only one of Sprint’s roaming partners.
Career as Chartered Accountant
Career as Chartered Accountant Career as Chartered Accountant
The busiest time of your professional life will be between March and April. You’ll show the rich how to make more money and hide all that they have made so far. Scooping out loopholes in taxation laws is never too difficult for you. In simple terms, you’ll handle all money matters and in between all this fill your coffers as well. Yes, we are talking about a Chartered Accountant here.
If reading between the lines of balance sheets is your game then this is your calling.
Career Overview
The process of money flow is a complicated one. You will master it and show others how to do it. As a CA you will offer financial advice and audit accounts for private individuals, companies, industries, educational institutions, etc. This in short is the summation of your job profile.
You will audit-analyse and verify your clients’ accounts and give a fair financial picture. You could also work as a financial guide or consultant and push an organisation’s profitability. You will also advice clients on investments, general taxation and act as executors and trustees.
Auditing means analysing and verifying a client’s accounts to make sure that they give a fair financial picture. It also involves interviewing staff and management. Most companies hire CAs as financial guides or consultants.
Budgeting, fund raising and other financial activities related to corporate finance will be your domain. CAs are experts in corporate law.
Procuring finance for projects needs high level of skills and expertise in finance. CAs are trained to advice on financial sources and prepare project reports.
You will analyse the profitability on business expansion as well as its long term returns. Your advice will also be sought in matters such as mergers and acquisition, diversification etc.
This profession calls for a lot of travelling. So if you hate to pick your bag and leave the comforts of your office, think twice. Auditing will see you move from one office to another, unless you have your own practice.
• Logical and analytical skills
• Critical outlook
• Good inter personal skills
• Good organising abilities
• Meticulousness
• Excellent numerical abilities
• Ability to take initiatives
• Loads of patience
You have to complete the course conducted by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI).
According to the new system in place you are first required to do your Professional Education (PE) course I and II. For PE-I you need to have completed your 10+2 level in any stream. The course is administered via correspondence for a period of 10 months after which you give a written exam. The subjects include accounting, mathematics and statistics, accounting, as well as business communication and management.
After this you are eligible for PE – II. You can directly join PE -II if you have completed your B.Com with Accountancy, Auditing and Mercantile or Commercial Law with a minimum of 50 per cent marks. For non-commerce students with mathematics the cut off percentage is 60 per cent and for other non-commerce students it is 55 per cent. If you fall below these academic requirements, you need to do the PE-I course first.
Candidates who have cleared the final exams conducted by the Institute of Cost and Works Accountants of India (ICWAI) or the Institute of Company Secretaries of India (ICSI) can also join the PE – II course directly. Subjects in PE-II include Cost Accounting and Financial Management, Business and Corporate Laws and Information Technology.
In both PE-I and II you need to score at least 40 per cent in each individual paper and 50 per cent overall in order to pass the examination. The duration of each of these courses is 10 months.
After this you are required to register yourself as articled clerks and work as a trainee under a chartered accountant for a period of three years. During the last six months of this internship you can appear for the CA Final examination. On clearing the final examination and completion of your three-year internship programme, you are required to complete a course on general management and communication skills. After all this has been done will you be admitted as an associate member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India. Only then can you call yourself a Chartered accountant.
These days more and more CA firms are IT enabled and as such you need to be knowledgeable about things like:
1. Working knowledge of Tally and Spreadsheets
2. E-commerce
3. Internet Applications
4. Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)
5. Software Solutions
6. DBMS and RDBMS Concepts
Job Opportunities
You will work with:
• Registered Audit firms
• Chartered accountancy firms
• Management consultancy firm
• Banks
• Law firms
• Corporate organisations
• Government organisations
You could also freelance or start your own consultancy service.
Money & Other Benefits
Registered firms: Rs 5,000-20,000 or more per month
Chartered accountancy firms: Rs 6,000-20,000 or more per month
Management consultancy firm: Rs 15,000-40,000 or more per month
Banks: Rs 12,000-Rs 30,000 or more per month
Other organisations: Rs 10,000-30,000 per month
Career Prospects
In recent times, accountancy has grown in popularity as a profession. The services of a CA are required even in the smallest of enterprises.
Moreover, under the Companies Act, only CAs in professional practice are entitled for appointment as auditors of companies in India.
With growing globalisation and formation of new policies, the corporate sector requires the services of more specialised professionals.
There is also a demand for consultancy service on specific issues to a business enterprises.
The busiest time of your professional life will be between March and April. You’ll show the rich how to make more money and hide all that they have made so far. Scooping out loopholes in taxation laws is never too difficult for you. In simple terms, you’ll handle all money matters and in between all this fill your coffers as well. Yes, we are talking about a Chartered Accountant here.
If reading between the lines of balance sheets is your game then this is your calling.
Career Overview
The process of money flow is a complicated one. You will master it and show others how to do it. As a CA you will offer financial advice and audit accounts for private individuals, companies, industries, educational institutions, etc. This in short is the summation of your job profile.
You will audit-analyse and verify your clients’ accounts and give a fair financial picture. You could also work as a financial guide or consultant and push an organisation’s profitability. You will also advice clients on investments, general taxation and act as executors and trustees.
Auditing means analysing and verifying a client’s accounts to make sure that they give a fair financial picture. It also involves interviewing staff and management. Most companies hire CAs as financial guides or consultants.
Budgeting, fund raising and other financial activities related to corporate finance will be your domain. CAs are experts in corporate law.
Procuring finance for projects needs high level of skills and expertise in finance. CAs are trained to advice on financial sources and prepare project reports.
You will analyse the profitability on business expansion as well as its long term returns. Your advice will also be sought in matters such as mergers and acquisition, diversification etc.
This profession calls for a lot of travelling. So if you hate to pick your bag and leave the comforts of your office, think twice. Auditing will see you move from one office to another, unless you have your own practice.
• Logical and analytical skills
• Critical outlook
• Good inter personal skills
• Good organising abilities
• Meticulousness
• Excellent numerical abilities
• Ability to take initiatives
• Loads of patience
You have to complete the course conducted by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI).
According to the new system in place you are first required to do your Professional Education (PE) course I and II. For PE-I you need to have completed your 10+2 level in any stream. The course is administered via correspondence for a period of 10 months after which you give a written exam. The subjects include accounting, mathematics and statistics, accounting, as well as business communication and management.
After this you are eligible for PE – II. You can directly join PE -II if you have completed your B.Com with Accountancy, Auditing and Mercantile or Commercial Law with a minimum of 50 per cent marks. For non-commerce students with mathematics the cut off percentage is 60 per cent and for other non-commerce students it is 55 per cent. If you fall below these academic requirements, you need to do the PE-I course first.
Candidates who have cleared the final exams conducted by the Institute of Cost and Works Accountants of India (ICWAI) or the Institute of Company Secretaries of India (ICSI) can also join the PE – II course directly. Subjects in PE-II include Cost Accounting and Financial Management, Business and Corporate Laws and Information Technology.
In both PE-I and II you need to score at least 40 per cent in each individual paper and 50 per cent overall in order to pass the examination. The duration of each of these courses is 10 months.
After this you are required to register yourself as articled clerks and work as a trainee under a chartered accountant for a period of three years. During the last six months of this internship you can appear for the CA Final examination. On clearing the final examination and completion of your three-year internship programme, you are required to complete a course on general management and communication skills. After all this has been done will you be admitted as an associate member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India. Only then can you call yourself a Chartered accountant.
These days more and more CA firms are IT enabled and as such you need to be knowledgeable about things like:
1. Working knowledge of Tally and Spreadsheets
2. E-commerce
3. Internet Applications
4. Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)
5. Software Solutions
6. DBMS and RDBMS Concepts
Job Opportunities
You will work with:
• Registered Audit firms
• Chartered accountancy firms
• Management consultancy firm
• Banks
• Law firms
• Corporate organisations
• Government organisations
You could also freelance or start your own consultancy service.
Money & Other Benefits
Registered firms: Rs 5,000-20,000 or more per month
Chartered accountancy firms: Rs 6,000-20,000 or more per month
Management consultancy firm: Rs 15,000-40,000 or more per month
Banks: Rs 12,000-Rs 30,000 or more per month
Other organisations: Rs 10,000-30,000 per month
Career Prospects
In recent times, accountancy has grown in popularity as a profession. The services of a CA are required even in the smallest of enterprises.
Moreover, under the Companies Act, only CAs in professional practice are entitled for appointment as auditors of companies in India.
With growing globalisation and formation of new policies, the corporate sector requires the services of more specialised professionals.
There is also a demand for consultancy service on specific issues to a business enterprises.
Spice M-9000 Popkorn Projector Phone

Spice M-9000 Popkorn Projector Phone :
Spice introduces M9000 popkorn dual SIM mobile phone featured with Projector and Analog TV. With Spice M9000 popkorn mobile phone helps you to project movies, watch live TV and favorite videos, Presentation with just ease. Simply carry your video projector and mini cinema theater where ever you go. Built with 2.4″ inches TFT display and 3.2 megapixel camera enabled with video recording.
M9000 Popkorn supports one touch camera access and camera featured with Multi-shot, Night vision and supports widescreen video too. Embedded with 87 MB user memory and integrated with external memory card slot supports 16GB T-Flash memory card. Enabled with handy features such as WAP browser, GPRS, Bluetooth v2.1 connectivity and Remote Control for PC via Bluetooth.
Specifications of Spice M-9000 Popkorn Projector Phone:
Spice M-9000 Popkorn is a Dual SIM enabled Projector Phone sporting 2.4″ QVGA color display.
The phone has an in-built 3.2 MP camera, which supports the photographic and video shooting functions.
Music can be enjoyed through MP3 Player and Wireless FM Radio that supports FM Recordingas well as Scheduled FM Recording.
The device supports an Internal memory of 87 MB which is enough to store 1500 Phonebook entries and the external memory can be expanded upto 16 GB through T-flash card.
The phone is powered by a 1200 mAh battery offering a Talktime of upto 3.5 hours and a Standby Time of upto 300 hours.
M-9000 supports Document Viewer, which enables the user to view various office documents on the handset. The user can view documents of MS Word, Excel, Power point and PDF.
With the WAP/GPRS function in Spice M-9000 Popkorn, the user can surf the internet anytime and anywhere. It supports EDGE, JAVA and Bluetooth connectivity as well.
Analog TV is an added feature of this device.
Other added applications include JAVA Enabled Games and Applications, Incoming Call Guard and Currency Convertor.
Spice M-9000 Popkorn Projector Phone Price In India:
This Projector Phone is available in India for Rs. 6699/- approximately.
Spice M9000 Popkorn Projector Mobile Phone Technical Specifications:
* Dual SIM Quad band mobile phone supports 850/900/1800/2100 MHz network
* Mini projector, Video on demand, Webcam, Laser pointer, Analog TV
* 2.4″ inches TFT display with 240 x 320 pixels screen resolution
* 3.2 megapixel camera supports video recording @15FPS with one touch key
* Camera features widescreen video, Multi-shot, Night vision, Zoom
* SMS, MMS, Email, GPRS, EDGE, Bluetooth V2.1, Stereo Bluetooth, Java enabled
* Games, Music player, Video player, Stereo FM radio, Speaker phone
* Internal antenna, Wireless FM radio with scheduled recording
* Built-in 64 polyphonic ringtones and supports MP3 ringtones
* Turn mobile phone into remote control for PC via bluetooth, Webcam
* 1200 mAh standard li-ion battery with long lasting battery backup
* Delivers up to 3.5 hours of talk time or 300 hours of standby time
* Dimensions are 119.2 x 50.3 x 17.35 mm with 123 grams of weight
General Information About Spice M-9000 Popkorn Projector Phone:
* Product type: Bar
* Quad Band: 850/900/1800/2100 MHz
* Dimensions: 119.2*50.3*17.35 MM
* Weight: 123 Grams
* Available Color: Black
* Antenna Type: Internal
Battery Of Spice M-9000 Popkorn Projector Phone:
* Power: 1200 mAh
* Talk Time: upto 3.5 hours
* Standby Time: upto 300 hours
Storage In Spice M-9000 Popkorn Projector Phone:
* Phonebook Capacity: 1500
* Memory Card Type: T-flash
* Memory Card Support Capacity: 16 GB
* Phone Memory: 87 MB
Display Of Spice M-9000 Popkorn Projector Phone:
* Screen: 2.4″ QVGA
* Resolution: 320*240 Pixels
Sound and Music In Spice M-9000 Popkorn Projector Phone:
* MP3 Player
* Wireless FM Radio
* FM Recording
* Scheduled FM Recording
* Ring Tones: 64 Poly, MP3
* Speakerphone
* User Profiles
* Caller Group
Language In Spice M-9000 Popkorn Projector Phone:
* Language Support: English
* Predictive Text
Messaging In Spice M-9000 Popkorn Projector Phone:
* SMS: 1000
* SMS Templates
* Concatenated Messages
* Send to Many
* Send to Group
* SMS Counter
Connectivity Of Spice M-9000 Popkorn Projector Phone:
* WAP Browser
* Bluetooth: version 2.1
* Data Cable
* Handset Manager
* Webcam
* Remote Control for PC via Bluetooth
Camera in Spice M-9000 Popkorn Projector Phone:
* 3.2 MP Camera
* Single Touch Camera Operation
* Zoom Level
* Brightness Level
* Multi Shot
* Night Vision
* Photo CLI
* Video Recording: @ 15 fps
* Wide Screen Video
* Video Playing: @ 25 fps
* Video Player: 3gp, mp4, avi, flv, rm, rmvb formats
* Photo Storage Capacity: 87MB + T-flash
* Video Storage Capacity: 87MB + T-flash
Applications in Spice M-9000 Popkorn Projector Phone:
* JAVA Enabled
* Java Games and Applications
* Games
* Incoming Call Guard
* World Clock
* Alarm
* Calculator
* Currency Convertor
* Calendar
* To-Do List
* Caller Group
* Vibrator Mode
* Auto Power On/Off
Spice M-9000 Popkorn Projector Phone
Spice M-9000 Popkorn Projector Phone
Career as Aerospace Engineer
Career in Aerospace Engineering
Ever wonder what makes a paper plane fly? Love birds and other flying creatures? Are you fascinated by electronics and computers? Like the smell of gasoline? Are you a hands-on kind of person? Well then, Aerospace Engineering is the career for you.
Career Overview
Aerospace Engineers work in one of the most technologically advanced branches of engineering. They design, construct and test aircraft, missiles, satellites, rockets, spacecrafts and anything that flies. Besides this, they are also involved in researching new materials, engines, body shapes and structures. This job is not just about science, it’s also about creativity. You will not only give wings to your imagination but also make it fly.
You will conceptualise a project, say an Indian lunar mission. You will be involved in all steps from the drawing board to the planning committee to the implementation team. You will think of various designs most suitable for a spacecraft for this kind of mission. You will then iron out your differences with other engineers and come to a consensus. Then comes testing a smaller model of this spacecraft in a wind tunnel and authorising its airworthiness. The final stage involves building the aircraft, testing it all over again and finally handing it over.
But your job will not end at that. You will act as a consultant to the mission and trouble-shoot any problems that may arise. Pretty cool stuff for an engineer!
You need to have good mathematical and logical skills. You also need to be good at organising. You will be working in teams of cross-sectional skills and as such you must be able to get on well with people at all levels. You should be able to keep calm under pressure and be a problem solver. You should also like working with tools, drawing complex sketches and thinking up forms and structures.
This is a field where you are required to constantly update yourself with the latest innovations and technologies. So be prepared to read a lot. The ability to express one’s ideas clearly to others comes in handy too. You should also be creative and analytical with an eye for detail.
Academic Qualifications:
You need to be a BE/B.Tech. in aerospace engineering. There are also diploma courses, which
you can pursue after 10+2 but you will need to complete your degree before you get a good job. After graduation, you could pursue an M.Tech. or Ph.D. in aeronautics. Then there are exams conducted by the AeSI (Aeronautical Society Of India). This exam is considered equivalent to a Bachelor’s degree in aerospace engineering.
You will study subjects like Principles of Flight, Aerodynamics, Aircraft structure, Propulsion, Avionics, Electronics, Metrology, as well as Airworthiness Regulations and Air Traffic Control.
You will then have to choose an area of specialisation namely, aerodynamics, propulsion, structures, navigation and control, instrumentation and communication, etc. You could also specialise in aerospace products viz., commercial transport, military fighter jets, helicopters, spacecrafts, missiles or rockets.
Job Opportunities
The Indian aerospace industry is growing rapidly but as compared to the Europe or the United States it is small in size. In India you will most likely be employed in government owned enterprises such as ISRO (Indian Space Research Organisation), DRDO (Defence Research and Development Organisation), HAL (Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd.), NAL (National Aeronautics Labs), etc. The new area of opportunities are emerging as many global airlines operators and aircraft companies planning to open their MRO- Maintenance, Repair and Overhaul facilities in India. A lot of prestige is associated with working in these organisations and they attract the top brains in the country.
You could also work for airlines like Air India, Indian Airlines, Jet Airways, KingFisher etc. Openings also exist in civil aviation departments as well as the Indian Air Force.
There is no dearth of opportunities for those who wish to work abroad. In fact, a large percentage of engineers at NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration, United States) are Indians. The same is the case with aerospace giants like Boeing, McDonnell Douglas, etc.
Money & Other Benefits
As a trainee Aerospace Engineer you will earn about Rs 25,000 or more per month, if you get into an airlines. Research organisations, aircraft developing and manufacturing organisations and others pay around Rs 12,000 per month.
After a couple of year’s experience, you could be easily making around Rs 80,000 a month. Plus you get all the added benefits reserved for government servants.
Career Prospects
The airline industry is always looking for new aeroplanes that are bigger, better, more economical and off late more environment friendly. That is how the Boeing 707 developed into the 747 and now into the 747-400. But now airlines want new generation planes able to take thrice as many passengers at many times the speed of sound. The race is on to develop this next generation airline. Which means that aerospace engineers are a lot in demand.
Space is another booming business with the need to launch communication and weather satellites into various orbits. Space vacations may become a reality sooner than we think, thanks to the landmark space flight taken by US millionaire Dennis Tito. Defence as usual is an industry which constantly requires new and better technologies and the Indian private sector is all set to set shop now that the government has thrown open this sector to private participation.
Career as Aerospace Engineer | Career for Aeronautical Engineering in India | Career Prospects for Aeronautical Engineering
Ever wonder what makes a paper plane fly? Love birds and other flying creatures? Are you fascinated by electronics and computers? Like the smell of gasoline? Are you a hands-on kind of person? Well then, Aerospace Engineering is the career for you.
Career Overview
Aerospace Engineers work in one of the most technologically advanced branches of engineering. They design, construct and test aircraft, missiles, satellites, rockets, spacecrafts and anything that flies. Besides this, they are also involved in researching new materials, engines, body shapes and structures. This job is not just about science, it’s also about creativity. You will not only give wings to your imagination but also make it fly.
You will conceptualise a project, say an Indian lunar mission. You will be involved in all steps from the drawing board to the planning committee to the implementation team. You will think of various designs most suitable for a spacecraft for this kind of mission. You will then iron out your differences with other engineers and come to a consensus. Then comes testing a smaller model of this spacecraft in a wind tunnel and authorising its airworthiness. The final stage involves building the aircraft, testing it all over again and finally handing it over.
But your job will not end at that. You will act as a consultant to the mission and trouble-shoot any problems that may arise. Pretty cool stuff for an engineer!
You need to have good mathematical and logical skills. You also need to be good at organising. You will be working in teams of cross-sectional skills and as such you must be able to get on well with people at all levels. You should be able to keep calm under pressure and be a problem solver. You should also like working with tools, drawing complex sketches and thinking up forms and structures.
This is a field where you are required to constantly update yourself with the latest innovations and technologies. So be prepared to read a lot. The ability to express one’s ideas clearly to others comes in handy too. You should also be creative and analytical with an eye for detail.
Academic Qualifications:
You need to be a BE/B.Tech. in aerospace engineering. There are also diploma courses, which
you can pursue after 10+2 but you will need to complete your degree before you get a good job. After graduation, you could pursue an M.Tech. or Ph.D. in aeronautics. Then there are exams conducted by the AeSI (Aeronautical Society Of India). This exam is considered equivalent to a Bachelor’s degree in aerospace engineering.
You will study subjects like Principles of Flight, Aerodynamics, Aircraft structure, Propulsion, Avionics, Electronics, Metrology, as well as Airworthiness Regulations and Air Traffic Control.
You will then have to choose an area of specialisation namely, aerodynamics, propulsion, structures, navigation and control, instrumentation and communication, etc. You could also specialise in aerospace products viz., commercial transport, military fighter jets, helicopters, spacecrafts, missiles or rockets.
Job Opportunities
The Indian aerospace industry is growing rapidly but as compared to the Europe or the United States it is small in size. In India you will most likely be employed in government owned enterprises such as ISRO (Indian Space Research Organisation), DRDO (Defence Research and Development Organisation), HAL (Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd.), NAL (National Aeronautics Labs), etc. The new area of opportunities are emerging as many global airlines operators and aircraft companies planning to open their MRO- Maintenance, Repair and Overhaul facilities in India. A lot of prestige is associated with working in these organisations and they attract the top brains in the country.
You could also work for airlines like Air India, Indian Airlines, Jet Airways, KingFisher etc. Openings also exist in civil aviation departments as well as the Indian Air Force.
There is no dearth of opportunities for those who wish to work abroad. In fact, a large percentage of engineers at NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration, United States) are Indians. The same is the case with aerospace giants like Boeing, McDonnell Douglas, etc.
Money & Other Benefits
As a trainee Aerospace Engineer you will earn about Rs 25,000 or more per month, if you get into an airlines. Research organisations, aircraft developing and manufacturing organisations and others pay around Rs 12,000 per month.
After a couple of year’s experience, you could be easily making around Rs 80,000 a month. Plus you get all the added benefits reserved for government servants.
Career Prospects
The airline industry is always looking for new aeroplanes that are bigger, better, more economical and off late more environment friendly. That is how the Boeing 707 developed into the 747 and now into the 747-400. But now airlines want new generation planes able to take thrice as many passengers at many times the speed of sound. The race is on to develop this next generation airline. Which means that aerospace engineers are a lot in demand.
Space is another booming business with the need to launch communication and weather satellites into various orbits. Space vacations may become a reality sooner than we think, thanks to the landmark space flight taken by US millionaire Dennis Tito. Defence as usual is an industry which constantly requires new and better technologies and the Indian private sector is all set to set shop now that the government has thrown open this sector to private participation.
Career as Aerospace Engineer | Career for Aeronautical Engineering in India | Career Prospects for Aeronautical Engineering
Career as Indian Airforce Officer
Career as Indian Airforce Officer
Career as Indian Airforce Officer Options and Opportunities
Many youngsters in the country dreams to fly high. Whenever they see a flight, a republic day parade, at least once, they wish to join in armed forces. Out three services of army, Indian Airforce has its own fancy. Here is a list of various options available in Indian Airforce to choose as a career option. 10+2 to graduates and engineers, there are several avenues to face the challenge.
“Watch your speed… follow the glide slope… wings level…. reduce power… overshoot… hold your altitude.” This is the kind of verbal shorthand you are likely to hear on an Indian Airforce plane.
If you think living and earning on earth is for lesser mortals consider a job in the sky.
Career Overview
The Indian Air force is the fourth largest air force in the world. Now that India is one of the Nuclear Weapon States, your thumb might just be on that nuclear trigger, you never know.
The airforce can be divided into:
* Flying Branch
* Technical Branch
* Ground duty branch
Now let’s see what’s in store for you in each of these branches:
Flying Branch - You’ll be flying fighter/bomber aircraft designed to destroy the enemy in the air and on the ground. As a transport pilot you will be ferrying troops and equipments under enemy fire often making rough landings at makeshift runways. You could even be assigned to V.I.P. transport.
As a chopper pilot you will closely co-ordinate with the army in its operations. You could spy on enemy positions or drop commandos with pinpoint accuracy or ambush enemy tanks with guns and rockets.
Technical Branch - For those of you with a technical bent of mind, the Indian Air Force offers an opportunity for hands-on experience on sophisticated aircraft and weapon systems. You will ensure the war preparedness of the fleet and the airworthiness of the aircraft.
Ground duty - You will look after administration, logistics, accounts, education and meteorology. You could also be the eyes in the sky as the air traffic controller and fighter combat controller.
Flying Branch
Before being inducted as a trainee pilot at the Air Force Academy you have to finish a three-year course from National Defence Academy.
Age Limit: 16 ½-19 years
Educational Qualifications: Minimum 10 + 2 with Physics and Mathematics.
Entrance: Written examination conducted by UPSC followed by a Services Selection Board interview for those who pass the written examination.
Advertisement: In the month of April/ November by UPSC. The format of application will be available in the Employment News.
Air Force Academy (CDSE)
Age Limit: 19 to 23 years
Educational Qualifications: B.Sc. (Physics and/ or Mathematics) or B.E.
Entrance: Written examination conducted by UPSC followed by a Services Selection Board interview for those who pass the written examination.
Advertisement: In the month of April/ November by UPSC. Successful candidates join the Air Force Academy directly for Pilot Training.
National Cadet Corps
Age Limit: 19 to 23 years
Educational Qualifications: B.Sc. Physics and/or Mathematics or B.E.
Entrance: Direct Services Selection Board interview.
Eligibility criteria for Women
Status: Unmarried or widows of service personnel killed on duty but without any child.
Age Limit: 19-23 years, relaxable up to 25 years for those holding Commercial Pilot License.
Educational Qualification: B.Sc. Physics and/or Mathematics or B.E.
Advertisement: Published in the month of January and July each year in the Employment News and leading Newspapers.
Entrance: Directly qualify for interview by Service Selection Board.
Successful candidates join the Air Force Academy directly for Pilot Training.
Entry into the engineering branch can be achieved through the University Entry Scheme. Here, you are selected to join the Aeronautical Engineering Branches for Permanent or Short Service Commission while in the Pre-Final/ Final Year of your study in the Engineering Colleges.
Alternatively, you can opt for the Direct Entry Scheme after graduation.
Age Limit: 18 to 28 years
Aeronautical Engineering (Electronics)
(Permanent Commission or Short Service Commission)
* Engineering Degree in Electronics/Telecommunications/ Electrical
* Communication/Electronics and Communication/Computer Science & Engineering or a combination of these subjects OR
* B.Tech. in Radio Physics and Electronics of Calcutta University OR
* B.Sc. Physics with Electronics of Bombay University OR
* M.Sc. Electronics of Delhi, Bangalore, Madras, Gujarat, Lucknow or Calcutta University OR
* B.Sc. with Physics, Maths and Chemistry.
Aeronautical Engineering (Mechanical)
(Permanent Commission or Short Service Commission)
* Engineering Degree in Aeronautical/ Mechanical/Production/ Industrial
Production OR
* B.Sc. with Physics, Maths and Chemistry
Advertisement: Applications are called for twice a year in the month of January and July through advertisement published in the leading newspapers/Employment News.
Entrance: Written examination conducted by UPSC followed by a Services Selection Board interview for those who pass the written examination.
Ground Duties
You would be inducted in one of these departments – Administrative, Logistics or Air Traffic Controller/Fight Controller (Short Service Commission) branches.
Age Limit: 20-23 years for graduates and 20-25 years for post graduates
Educational Qualifications: Graduates with 60 per cent and above marks and post graduates with 50 per cent and above.
Candidates with an MBA or post graduate diploma in Business Administration (Two years full time or three years part time course from institutes recognised by All Indian Council for Technical Education (AICTE) with 50 per cent and above marks and between the age group of
20-25 years can also apply.
For Law graduates (three-year course) with 50 per cent and above marks the age is relaxable to 26 years. LLB (five-year course) with 50 per cent marks and above can also apply provided they are in the age group of 20-25 years.
Advertisement: It is released in leading newspapers or Employment News in January and July for the administrative branch.
In January for Logistics Branch and in March for the Air Traffic Controller and Fighter Controller Branches.
Accounts Branch
Age Limit: 20 to 23 years for Graduates and 20 to 25 years for post graduates.
Educational Qualifications: B.Com/B.Com. (Hons) with 60 per cent and above marks and M.Com. with 50 per cent and above marks.
For candidates with AICWA/Chartered/Registered/Incorporated Accountant together with B.Com or M.Com degree the age is relaxable upto 27 years.
Advertisement: Released in leading newspapers/Employment News in the month of July each year.
Entrance: Through SSB interview
Education Branch
Age Limit: 21 to 25 years.
Educational Qualifications: M.A/M.Sc. with 50 per cent and above marks in English/Psychology/Defence Studies/Mathematics/Physics/Statistics/Computer Science or an MBA with 50 per cent and above marks with a combination of minimum two subjects out of Physics, Maths, Statistics, English, Psychology or Defence Studies at B A/ B.Sc. level.
Candidate with Post Graduate Diploma in Business Administration (Two year full time or three years part time course) from Institutes recognised by All Indian Council for Technical Education (AICTE) with 50 per cent and above marks can also apply. For those who have done their M.Ed/ PhD, the age limit is relaxable up to 27 years.
Advertisement: Advertisement is released in leading newspapers/ Employment News in the month of July each year.
Entrance: Written examination conducted b y UPSC followed by a Services Selection Board interview for those who pass the written examination.
Meteorological Branch
Age Limit: 20 to 25 years.
Educational Qualifications: MSc in Physics/ Applied Physics/ Meteorology/
Geophysics with Meteorology and Oceanography/ Oceanography with specialisation in Meteorology/
M.A/M.Sc. in Mathematics or Applied Mathematics/M.tech in Atmospheric Science from IIT Delhi with 50 per cent and above marks.
Advertisement: Advertisement is released in the leading Newspapers/ Employment News in the month of July each year.
Entrance: Written examination conducted by UPSC followed by a Services Selection Board interview for those who pass the written examination.
Candidates must be in accordance with the prescribed physical standards i.e. they should be physically fit and free from any disease or disability and excess fat. The minimum acceptable height for the Air Force is 162 cm.
(For Gurkhas and residents of north-eastern India, Garhwal and Kumaon, the minimum acceptable height is 5 cm lower than the standard and from candidates from Lakshadweep, the minimum height is lowered by 2 cm.)Candidates must have perfect eyesight (known as 6/6 vision).
Besides these general conditions, each training institute and examination have their own standards and requirements.
Job Opportunities
Flying branch officers have to opt for a permanent commission of 20 years. Short Service commission of seven years is offered for all other branches.
Your career growth usually takes this route:
* Commissioning rank- Flying Officer
* 5 years-Flight Lieutenant
* 11 years -Squadron Leader
* 16-21 years – Wing Commander
* 22 years – Group Captain
* 24 year – Air Commodore
* 26 years – Air Vice Marshal
* 28 years – Air Chief Marshal
Money & Other Benefits
Flying Officer Rs 8,500 – 10,050
Flight Lt. Rs 9,600 – 11,400
Sq. Leader Rs 11,600 – 14,850
Wing Commander Rs 13,500 – 17,100
Group Captain Rs 15,100 – 17,350
Air Commander Rs 16,700 – 18,050
Air Vice Marshal Rs 18,400 – 22,400
Air marshal Rs 22,400 – 24,500
Air Chief Marshal Rs 30,000
In addition to the above fighter pilots get flying pay of Rs 9,000 per month. For helicopter and transport pilots, it is Rs 7,000.
Other facilities include leave benefits, travel concessions, dearness allowance, furnished accommodations, soft loans, group insurance scheme and free ration and medical treatment.
Career Prospects
Airforce pilots after retirement can move on to commercial airlines. This is true for all other branches as the civilian airline industry mirrors the defence one. With flying clubs and adventure sports gaining popularity there is a need for qualified personnel in these areas too.
Career as Indian Airforce Officer Options and Opportunities
Many youngsters in the country dreams to fly high. Whenever they see a flight, a republic day parade, at least once, they wish to join in armed forces. Out three services of army, Indian Airforce has its own fancy. Here is a list of various options available in Indian Airforce to choose as a career option. 10+2 to graduates and engineers, there are several avenues to face the challenge.
“Watch your speed… follow the glide slope… wings level…. reduce power… overshoot… hold your altitude.” This is the kind of verbal shorthand you are likely to hear on an Indian Airforce plane.
If you think living and earning on earth is for lesser mortals consider a job in the sky.
Career Overview
The Indian Air force is the fourth largest air force in the world. Now that India is one of the Nuclear Weapon States, your thumb might just be on that nuclear trigger, you never know.
The airforce can be divided into:
* Flying Branch
* Technical Branch
* Ground duty branch
Now let’s see what’s in store for you in each of these branches:
Flying Branch - You’ll be flying fighter/bomber aircraft designed to destroy the enemy in the air and on the ground. As a transport pilot you will be ferrying troops and equipments under enemy fire often making rough landings at makeshift runways. You could even be assigned to V.I.P. transport.
As a chopper pilot you will closely co-ordinate with the army in its operations. You could spy on enemy positions or drop commandos with pinpoint accuracy or ambush enemy tanks with guns and rockets.
Technical Branch - For those of you with a technical bent of mind, the Indian Air Force offers an opportunity for hands-on experience on sophisticated aircraft and weapon systems. You will ensure the war preparedness of the fleet and the airworthiness of the aircraft.
Ground duty - You will look after administration, logistics, accounts, education and meteorology. You could also be the eyes in the sky as the air traffic controller and fighter combat controller.
Flying Branch
Before being inducted as a trainee pilot at the Air Force Academy you have to finish a three-year course from National Defence Academy.
Age Limit: 16 ½-19 years
Educational Qualifications: Minimum 10 + 2 with Physics and Mathematics.
Entrance: Written examination conducted by UPSC followed by a Services Selection Board interview for those who pass the written examination.
Advertisement: In the month of April/ November by UPSC. The format of application will be available in the Employment News.
Air Force Academy (CDSE)
Age Limit: 19 to 23 years
Educational Qualifications: B.Sc. (Physics and/ or Mathematics) or B.E.
Entrance: Written examination conducted by UPSC followed by a Services Selection Board interview for those who pass the written examination.
Advertisement: In the month of April/ November by UPSC. Successful candidates join the Air Force Academy directly for Pilot Training.
National Cadet Corps
Age Limit: 19 to 23 years
Educational Qualifications: B.Sc. Physics and/or Mathematics or B.E.
Entrance: Direct Services Selection Board interview.
Eligibility criteria for Women
Status: Unmarried or widows of service personnel killed on duty but without any child.
Age Limit: 19-23 years, relaxable up to 25 years for those holding Commercial Pilot License.
Educational Qualification: B.Sc. Physics and/or Mathematics or B.E.
Advertisement: Published in the month of January and July each year in the Employment News and leading Newspapers.
Entrance: Directly qualify for interview by Service Selection Board.
Successful candidates join the Air Force Academy directly for Pilot Training.
Entry into the engineering branch can be achieved through the University Entry Scheme. Here, you are selected to join the Aeronautical Engineering Branches for Permanent or Short Service Commission while in the Pre-Final/ Final Year of your study in the Engineering Colleges.
Alternatively, you can opt for the Direct Entry Scheme after graduation.
Age Limit: 18 to 28 years
Aeronautical Engineering (Electronics)
(Permanent Commission or Short Service Commission)
* Engineering Degree in Electronics/Telecommunications/ Electrical
* Communication/Electronics and Communication/Computer Science & Engineering or a combination of these subjects OR
* B.Tech. in Radio Physics and Electronics of Calcutta University OR
* B.Sc. Physics with Electronics of Bombay University OR
* M.Sc. Electronics of Delhi, Bangalore, Madras, Gujarat, Lucknow or Calcutta University OR
* B.Sc. with Physics, Maths and Chemistry.
Aeronautical Engineering (Mechanical)
(Permanent Commission or Short Service Commission)
* Engineering Degree in Aeronautical/ Mechanical/Production/ Industrial
Production OR
* B.Sc. with Physics, Maths and Chemistry
Advertisement: Applications are called for twice a year in the month of January and July through advertisement published in the leading newspapers/Employment News.
Entrance: Written examination conducted by UPSC followed by a Services Selection Board interview for those who pass the written examination.
Ground Duties
You would be inducted in one of these departments – Administrative, Logistics or Air Traffic Controller/Fight Controller (Short Service Commission) branches.
Age Limit: 20-23 years for graduates and 20-25 years for post graduates
Educational Qualifications: Graduates with 60 per cent and above marks and post graduates with 50 per cent and above.
Candidates with an MBA or post graduate diploma in Business Administration (Two years full time or three years part time course from institutes recognised by All Indian Council for Technical Education (AICTE) with 50 per cent and above marks and between the age group of
20-25 years can also apply.
For Law graduates (three-year course) with 50 per cent and above marks the age is relaxable to 26 years. LLB (five-year course) with 50 per cent marks and above can also apply provided they are in the age group of 20-25 years.
Advertisement: It is released in leading newspapers or Employment News in January and July for the administrative branch.
In January for Logistics Branch and in March for the Air Traffic Controller and Fighter Controller Branches.
Accounts Branch
Age Limit: 20 to 23 years for Graduates and 20 to 25 years for post graduates.
Educational Qualifications: B.Com/B.Com. (Hons) with 60 per cent and above marks and M.Com. with 50 per cent and above marks.
For candidates with AICWA/Chartered/Registered/Incorporated Accountant together with B.Com or M.Com degree the age is relaxable upto 27 years.
Advertisement: Released in leading newspapers/Employment News in the month of July each year.
Entrance: Through SSB interview
Education Branch
Age Limit: 21 to 25 years.
Educational Qualifications: M.A/M.Sc. with 50 per cent and above marks in English/Psychology/Defence Studies/Mathematics/Physics/Statistics/Computer Science or an MBA with 50 per cent and above marks with a combination of minimum two subjects out of Physics, Maths, Statistics, English, Psychology or Defence Studies at B A/ B.Sc. level.
Candidate with Post Graduate Diploma in Business Administration (Two year full time or three years part time course) from Institutes recognised by All Indian Council for Technical Education (AICTE) with 50 per cent and above marks can also apply. For those who have done their M.Ed/ PhD, the age limit is relaxable up to 27 years.
Advertisement: Advertisement is released in leading newspapers/ Employment News in the month of July each year.
Entrance: Written examination conducted b y UPSC followed by a Services Selection Board interview for those who pass the written examination.
Meteorological Branch
Age Limit: 20 to 25 years.
Educational Qualifications: MSc in Physics/ Applied Physics/ Meteorology/
Geophysics with Meteorology and Oceanography/ Oceanography with specialisation in Meteorology/
M.A/M.Sc. in Mathematics or Applied Mathematics/M.tech in Atmospheric Science from IIT Delhi with 50 per cent and above marks.
Advertisement: Advertisement is released in the leading Newspapers/ Employment News in the month of July each year.
Entrance: Written examination conducted by UPSC followed by a Services Selection Board interview for those who pass the written examination.
Candidates must be in accordance with the prescribed physical standards i.e. they should be physically fit and free from any disease or disability and excess fat. The minimum acceptable height for the Air Force is 162 cm.
(For Gurkhas and residents of north-eastern India, Garhwal and Kumaon, the minimum acceptable height is 5 cm lower than the standard and from candidates from Lakshadweep, the minimum height is lowered by 2 cm.)Candidates must have perfect eyesight (known as 6/6 vision).
Besides these general conditions, each training institute and examination have their own standards and requirements.
Job Opportunities
Flying branch officers have to opt for a permanent commission of 20 years. Short Service commission of seven years is offered for all other branches.
Your career growth usually takes this route:
* Commissioning rank- Flying Officer
* 5 years-Flight Lieutenant
* 11 years -Squadron Leader
* 16-21 years – Wing Commander
* 22 years – Group Captain
* 24 year – Air Commodore
* 26 years – Air Vice Marshal
* 28 years – Air Chief Marshal
Money & Other Benefits
Flying Officer Rs 8,500 – 10,050
Flight Lt. Rs 9,600 – 11,400
Sq. Leader Rs 11,600 – 14,850
Wing Commander Rs 13,500 – 17,100
Group Captain Rs 15,100 – 17,350
Air Commander Rs 16,700 – 18,050
Air Vice Marshal Rs 18,400 – 22,400
Air marshal Rs 22,400 – 24,500
Air Chief Marshal Rs 30,000
In addition to the above fighter pilots get flying pay of Rs 9,000 per month. For helicopter and transport pilots, it is Rs 7,000.
Other facilities include leave benefits, travel concessions, dearness allowance, furnished accommodations, soft loans, group insurance scheme and free ration and medical treatment.
Career Prospects
Airforce pilots after retirement can move on to commercial airlines. This is true for all other branches as the civilian airline industry mirrors the defence one. With flying clubs and adventure sports gaining popularity there is a need for qualified personnel in these areas too.
ISAT 2011 Solutions key papers
ISAT 2011 Solutions | Key answers officially soon | Results with Cutoff marks, admission details likely in May
Hyderabad, April 16: ISAT 2011 test, which is a mandatory test to get admission in various UG and PG courses at Indian Institute of Space Science and Technology (IIST) has been conducted today. The test was help at 9:30 am to 12:30 pm at various centres and now the candidates are searching for key. The official answers or solutions were not yet available. As soon as it is announced, we will provide the adequate links and updates.
The results of ISAT 2011 are expected in the month of May. There are 120 seats available in the organisations, which is backed by Indian Space Research Organisation ISRO.
The official website for ISAT 2011 related updates.
ISAT 2011 Solutions key papers
ISAT 2011 Solutions key papers
ISAT 2011 Solutions key papers
Hyderabad, April 16: ISAT 2011 test, which is a mandatory test to get admission in various UG and PG courses at Indian Institute of Space Science and Technology (IIST) has been conducted today. The test was help at 9:30 am to 12:30 pm at various centres and now the candidates are searching for key. The official answers or solutions were not yet available. As soon as it is announced, we will provide the adequate links and updates.
The results of ISAT 2011 are expected in the month of May. There are 120 seats available in the organisations, which is backed by Indian Space Research Organisation ISRO.
The official website for ISAT 2011 related updates.
ISAT 2011 Solutions key papers
ISAT 2011 Solutions key papers
ISAT 2011 Solutions key papers
Amrita University Hall tickets downloads
Amrita University Hall ticket for 2011 B.Tech Admissions | Test on 17th April | Key with Solutions or answers soon | Results on website
Hyderabad, April 17: Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham University is scheduled its B.Tech 2011 admission test on 17th April 2011. Sutdnets can check their status, hall ticket download facility if any body not received so far. Hall ticket link is available at Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham University Online Registration System.
B.Tech Entrance Hall Ticket Download
Hyderabad, April 17: Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham University is scheduled its B.Tech 2011 admission test on 17th April 2011. Sutdnets can check their status, hall ticket download facility if any body not received so far. Hall ticket link is available at Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham University Online Registration System.
B.Tech Entrance Hall Ticket Download
aieee 2011 hall ticket downloads
AIEEE 2011 Hall Ticket Information update | How to Apply for Duplicate Hall ticket | Procedure to get admit card
Here is an update for AIEEE 2011 aspirants. Many students are worrying about the hall ticket and there is clear indication on this. We spoke to AIEEE help line and they have given an update given below.
–Due to the last date was extended students can expect the hall ticket at anytime. Don’t get panic if you have not received it. The AIEEE authorities suggested to wait till April 15th and then try for help.
AIEEE has provided a facility to download provisional Hall ticket for those who not received it so far. You can down load by visiting the below link. You must provide application registration number to get the duplicate hall ticket.
And If you faced any problem, If you don’t get hall ticket after April 15th, speak to AIEEE HELP LINE given below.
The Assistant Secretary (AIEEE Unit)
Central Board of Secondary Education
PS 1-2, Institutional Area
IP Extension, Patparganj, Delhi 110 092
Ph: 011-22239177-80 Extn. 110, 151, 157
011-22246095, 22246087
Fax: 011-22246095, 22235775
E-mail: pitams.cbse@nic.in and glmittal.cbse@nic.in
AIEEE Help line Numbers : 011-22236111, 12, 13, 14, 15 (Working Hours Mon-Sat, 09:30 to 17:30)
–Don’t worry if you didn’t get the admit card. You can apply for a duplicate hall ticket by providing the application number and other details. AIEEE website will guide you to on how to get the duplicate hall ticket. So, don’t panic and worry and wait for your turn. And finally, AIEEE help line is always there. It may be busy, try again and again to get the help. It is for you.
All the best.
Here is an update for AIEEE 2011 aspirants. Many students are worrying about the hall ticket and there is clear indication on this. We spoke to AIEEE help line and they have given an update given below.
–Due to the last date was extended students can expect the hall ticket at anytime. Don’t get panic if you have not received it. The AIEEE authorities suggested to wait till April 15th and then try for help.
AIEEE has provided a facility to download provisional Hall ticket for those who not received it so far. You can down load by visiting the below link. You must provide application registration number to get the duplicate hall ticket.
And If you faced any problem, If you don’t get hall ticket after April 15th, speak to AIEEE HELP LINE given below.
The Assistant Secretary (AIEEE Unit)
Central Board of Secondary Education
PS 1-2, Institutional Area
IP Extension, Patparganj, Delhi 110 092
Ph: 011-22239177-80 Extn. 110, 151, 157
011-22246095, 22246087
Fax: 011-22246095, 22235775
E-mail: pitams.cbse@nic.in and glmittal.cbse@nic.in
AIEEE Help line Numbers : 011-22236111, 12, 13, 14, 15 (Working Hours Mon-Sat, 09:30 to 17:30)
–Don’t worry if you didn’t get the admit card. You can apply for a duplicate hall ticket by providing the application number and other details. AIEEE website will guide you to on how to get the duplicate hall ticket. So, don’t panic and worry and wait for your turn. And finally, AIEEE help line is always there. It may be busy, try again and again to get the help. It is for you.
All the best.
ICAI Admit Card May 2011 Exam
ICAI Admit Card May 2011 Exams CA Hall ticket Download online website
The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India–ICAI has Provided online hall ticket download facility for the candidates appearing Final exam, Professional Competence Examination (PCE exam) and IPCE/ATE exams for May 2011. Candidates looking for online down facility has to provide their old or registration number or bar code details to get the admit card.
Official website of ICAI:
ICAI Admit Card May 2011 Exams CA Hall ticket Download online website
The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India–ICAI has Provided online hall ticket download facility for the candidates appearing Final exam, Professional Competence Examination (PCE exam) and IPCE/ATE exams for May 2011. Candidates looking for online down facility has to provide their old or registration number or bar code details to get the admit card.
Official website of ICAI:
ICAI Admit Card May 2011 Exams CA Hall ticket Download online website
Nokia C503 Mobile

About Nokia C503 Mobile:
Looks like Nokia is keeping up it’s promise of launching the C5-03 in India within this quarter. Nokia C5-03 is already available in many retail shops in India. The handset runs on Symbian S60 5th Edition and supports 3G and WiFi and packs a 5 MP Camera . It seems like a successor to the 5800 in terms of specs.The handset is selling for a price of Rs.9250 approx in the market and we expect an official announcement soon ! The company launched the X2-01 just recently and now we have this handset.Nokia C503 Price in India will be announced near to Rs 9050/-. Check out Nokia C503′s review with its amazing features and specification. The latest mobile loaded OS of Symbian S60 fifth edition from the house of one of the well known mobile manufacturing company. This mobile have a HD display Screen of 3.2 Inch and powered with the 600MHz CPU and having a 5.0 MP camera to capture great moments.
Nokia C503 Specifications and Nokia C503 Features and Nokia C503 Review:
* Network Band: – Quad band GSM, 3G HSDPA/HSUPA
* Display Screen Size 3.2-inch
* Screen Type fully touch screen display
* Tri band 3G with HSDPA (10.2Mbps) and HSUPA (2Mbps)
* Camera: – 5.0 MP (No Flash)
* Digital Zoom 4X
* OS: – Symbian S60 fifth edition
* GPS with assisted GPS, Wireless LAN Wi-Fi
* Digital compass
* Free Ovi Maps hands-free navigation service
* Quick Access of Important Contacts on home screen
* Expandable Memory Supports up to with MicroSD card Slot
* Webmail or POP3 using Nokia messaging, Mail for Exchange, Ovi Mail
* Ovi Music, Ovi Store
* Delivers a talk time Up to 11.5 hours for 2G and 4.5 hours using 3G
* Standby time: Up to 25 days
Nokia C503 Price in India:
Nokia C503 Price in India will be announced near to Rs 9050/-. Check out Nokia C503′s review with its amazing features and specification. The latest mobile loaded OS of Symbian S60 fifth edition from the house of one of the well known mobile manufacturing company. This mobile have a HD display Screen of 3.2 Inch and powered with the 600MHz CPU and having a 5.0 MP camera to capture great moments.
* Nokia C503 Price in India is Rs. 9050/-
tamil new year 2011
Tag: tamil new year 2011, tamil new year wishes, tamil new year 2011 rasi palan, tamil new year rasi palan 2011, new year quotes
When Sun transits into zodiac Aries (Mesham), the Tamil New Year ‘Kara’ commences. The festival is called as Tamil Puthandu or Varushapirapu. The new year will be called as ‘Kara’ (25th year) and the last year was called as ‘Vikhruti’ (24th year). Tamil New year is an important festival celebrated by Tamil Hindus. This festival is mainly observed in Tamil Nadu and all nations with huge Tamil diaspora populations, like Sri Lanka, Malaysia, Singapore, Mauritius, United Kingdom and United States.
When Sun transits into zodiac Aries (Mesham), the Tamil New Year ‘Kara‘ commences. The festival is called as Tamil Puthandu or Varushapirapu. Tamil Calendar and Tamil astrology (Nirayana astrology) are considered as one of the most ancient astrology system. The solar calendar system follows 60 year cycle and the years are named specifically (not numbers). The new year will be called as ‘Kara’ (25th year) and the last year was called as ‘Vikhruti’ (24th year). The Tamil year has 12 months and they have specific Tamil names like Chithirai, Vaikasi, Aani, Aadi and so on. This sidereal astrology system has 27 constellations duly aligned with the zodiac and there are 108 mansions (padam).
According to the Tamil Panchangam (solar calendar system) the Tamil New Year will begin as per details shown below:
1. Date = April 14, 2011;
2. Time = 11.27 a.m;
3. Day = Guruvara (Thursday);
4. Paksham = Shukla Paksham;
5. Matham (Month) = Chithirai;
6. tithi = Ekadasi (11th Lunar Day);
7. Star (Constellation) = Makam (Magha)
8. Rasi (Moon Sign) = Simha (Leo) sign
9. Lagna (Ascendent) = Mithuna (Gemini) sign
10. Navamsa Lagna = Meenam (Pisces) sign
11. Navamsa Rasi = Mithuna (Gemini)
12. Dasa = Ketu
13. Buddhi = Guru (Jupiter)
14. Andharam = Surya (Sun)
When Sun transits into zodiac Aries (Mesham), the Tamil New Year ‘Kara’ commences. The festival is called as Tamil Puthandu or Varushapirapu. The new year will be called as ‘Kara’ (25th year) and the last year was called as ‘Vikhruti’ (24th year). Tamil New year is an important festival celebrated by Tamil Hindus. This festival is mainly observed in Tamil Nadu and all nations with huge Tamil diaspora populations, like Sri Lanka, Malaysia, Singapore, Mauritius, United Kingdom and United States.
When Sun transits into zodiac Aries (Mesham), the Tamil New Year ‘Kara‘ commences. The festival is called as Tamil Puthandu or Varushapirapu. Tamil Calendar and Tamil astrology (Nirayana astrology) are considered as one of the most ancient astrology system. The solar calendar system follows 60 year cycle and the years are named specifically (not numbers). The new year will be called as ‘Kara’ (25th year) and the last year was called as ‘Vikhruti’ (24th year). The Tamil year has 12 months and they have specific Tamil names like Chithirai, Vaikasi, Aani, Aadi and so on. This sidereal astrology system has 27 constellations duly aligned with the zodiac and there are 108 mansions (padam).
According to the Tamil Panchangam (solar calendar system) the Tamil New Year will begin as per details shown below:
1. Date = April 14, 2011;
2. Time = 11.27 a.m;
3. Day = Guruvara (Thursday);
4. Paksham = Shukla Paksham;
5. Matham (Month) = Chithirai;
6. tithi = Ekadasi (11th Lunar Day);
7. Star (Constellation) = Makam (Magha)
8. Rasi (Moon Sign) = Simha (Leo) sign
9. Lagna (Ascendent) = Mithuna (Gemini) sign
10. Navamsa Lagna = Meenam (Pisces) sign
11. Navamsa Rasi = Mithuna (Gemini)
12. Dasa = Ketu
13. Buddhi = Guru (Jupiter)
14. Andharam = Surya (Sun)
Nokia X7 00 Mobile Phone

Nokia X7-00 Mobile Phone:
Nokia announed the X7-00 earlier today along with the E6-00 at a Symbian event in London. It is a full touchscreen entertainment device. It will be one of the first phones to feature Symbian Anna / PR 2.0 OS along with the E6. The X7 packs a 4″ capacitive Gorilla Glass touchscreen with 640×360 pixels resolution and capable of displaying upto 16 million colours. It also has an 8 Megapixel EDOF Camera with dual LED flash and 720p HD video recording.The new Nokia X7-00 will sport a massive 4.0-inch Capacitive touchscreen with Gorilla Glass Technology and it will be powered by 720MHz processor and Symbian 3 OS. Nokia X7 is latest music phone with unique design (curved corners), large 4″ inch OLED touchscreen display, four external speakers and 8 Megapixel camera and Symbian ^3 operating System @ attractive price in India. Nokia X7-00 features a dual camera, an 8 megapixel with dual LED flash at rear and a 2 megapixel front-facing for video calling on 3G networks. The rear camera also support HD 720p video capturing. Nokia X7-00 other features are Wi-Fi 802.11 b/g/n, Bluetooth and 512MB graphics card.
With Nokia X7, the company also introduced the next version of Symbian updated dubbed as Symbian Anna, which was previously referred as PR2. Nokia will release Symbian Anna for N8, C7, C6-01 and E7 in the coming months. The new Symbian Anna update brings fresh set of icons with rounded corners, portrait QWERTY input, better browser, better Ovi Maps, and other enhancements. The major focus of the Nokia X7-00 is its entertainment and gaming aspect. This new X7-00 supports the usual audio formats with up to 320 kbps Bit rate and also has Stereo FM radio. Apart from that the on-board graphics supports OpenGL 2.0 that enables 3D graphics and thus games are enjoyable with the help of accelerometer.
Nokia X7-00 Features and Specifications:
* 4.0-inch Capacitive touchscreen
* Gorilla Glass Technology
* Symbian 3 OS
* 720MHz processor
* 512MB graphics card
* 450 MB, 256 MB RAM
* Dula Cameras
* 8 MP at rear with LED flash
* HD video recording support
* 2 MP at front
* 3G
* Wi-Fi 802.11 b/g/n
* Bluetooth
* 32 GB micro SD support
* Micro USB
* A-GPS support
* Ovi Maps
Nokia X7 Mobile Features:
* Capacitive Touchscreen made of tough gorilla glass
* 720p Video Recording and 8MP Camera
* Download thousands of apps from OVI Store
* GPS with Voice Navigation & OVI Maps
* Built-in Social Networking apps & Push-EMail
Nokia X7 Music Phone Technical Specifications:
* Quad Band GSM/GPRS/EDGE 850/900/1800/1900 MHz
* 3G 900/2100 MHz
* HSDPA/HSUPA High Speed Data Transfer
* 4” inch OLED nHD Touch Screen
* 8 Megapixel Camera with Dual LED Flash
* 16 Internal Memory
* up to 32GB Micro SD Card Slot
* Wireless 802.11n
* A-GPS with Digital Compass
* Bluetooth v3.0
* Accelerometer, Proximity sensor
* StereoFM Radio with RDS
* MP3/WMA/WAV/eAAC+ player
* Flash Support
* DivX/XviD/MP4/H.264/H.263/WMV player
Nokia X7-00 Price In India:
Nokia will soon officially announce the launch date of Nokia X7-00. Nokia X7-00 Price in India is expected to be around Rs 30,000/-
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